Saturday 2 September 2017

Feeling Back in the Swing of Things

The sun looked so cool this morning on the way to work I had to pull over and take a picture of it.

I was on a mission to get all my walks in today and I also was trying to get a shot of my new top that I love.  It has the ombre affect and I really like it.
Not the best shot, but you get the idea.

I was in the mood for cereal this morning so I stopped on my way to work and picked up some milk.
I have lots of cereal in my office but these are the two I choose to have today.

I also picked up some bananas to put on my cereal and it was exactly what I wanted.

I picked up a couple of hard boiled eggs too so I could get some protein in.

This weeks Burger Love Special
It has pineapple slices that were glazed with teriyaki sauce and then roasted in the oven.
Then it also has lettuce, tomato the home made patty and Hawaii's favorite meat - Spam.
Almost like being in Hawaii just without the sand, surf and sun!

I made a few posters and picked up some tomatoes to run out to the golf course at lunch.
My Honey was working at his real job today and Ms SV was out sick so the staff at the golf course were on their own with this one today.
I know they can handle it though.

I picked up a piece of chicken and a couple of pasta salads while I was at the store and had them for lunch at my desk when I got back to the office.

We have health & fitness challenges at work, usually 2 - 3 a year and I have entered every single one since I started.
If you complete them and answer some questions you are entered into a draw.
The latest one focused on Celebrating Canada as it was Canada's 150th birthday this year.
I actually was drawn as one of the winners for the first time and my prize came in the inter office mail today.

One of the questions on the challenge asked what Canada is the largest exporter of.
The answer was maple syrup and fittingly for a prize, they sent a bottle of real maple syrup!
Woot Woot.
I love that stuff.
They also sent a $20.00 gift card for Timmie's - I can't think of anything more Canadian than that.
I was pretty happy with my prize!

Mom's friend Ms DM dropped  by to pick mom up and take her out for supper.
She has been going out on Thursdays to have the Burger Love specials.
They asked me to come along but I knew that if I procrastinated any longer, I wouldn't get my work out in so I declined.
It was good to see mom get out though.

I changed and went down to work out.
Today I warmed up for 3 minutes then I put the speed on 3.0 and jogged.
My goal was to just go for as long as I could
I kept saying in my head that I would stop after this song or when I get to such and such a time or maybe if it's a good song I will do just one more.
Any little thing I could challenge myself with to keep myself going.
I ended up jogging for 42 minutes straight without stopping so I was super proud.

See - Super Proud!

My Honey got home from work just as I was finishing up.

I was happy to see him home and couldn't wait to snuggle him but I am not so sure that the Professor was feeling the same.

He cooked us up some frozen pizzas for supper and we settled in for an episode of GoT.
We watched episode 9 and then because there was only one more episode left in the season, we watched it too.
Someone dies and I didn't want to believe that they did so I did something really awful and googled whether or not they actually do die.
I just had to know.
I won't tell My Honey though - I will keep it my little secret.
I don't feel bad about checking either, not one little bit.

Now only 5 more seasons to go to catch up.

I did pretty good for my on my fitbit stats today - reached all my goals!
Feels good to have something to be proud of.

Now for some Facebook Memories.
These pictures all popped up from a trip we took back in 2014.
I'd always wanted to go to a real state fair so we took a trip to Minneapolis so we could go to the state fair there.
I loved our trip there, it was awesome.

We tried a few places that had been featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.
One of them was a little place called the Blue Door Pub.
This is their menu.
They had lots of great little appetizers.

These were the Spam Bites
They were just loaded with cream cheese - so delicious.

These were the Latin Kisses

I can't remember which burger My Honey tried but he had with the Deep Fried Green Beans and they were killer.

If you ever have the chance to eat here, do - it was awesome!

We also went for a sail down the Mississippi River on this beautiful boat.

Taking his photographer role very seriously.

This was actually from the evening before - we hit another Diner, Drive-In and Dive location.
The Nook
It was my first time trying the Juicy Lucy which is a burger stuffed with cheese and it was ooey, gooey good!

That is all for today - until next time, be happy!

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