Friday 29 September 2017

Orange Things for Supper!

I had to be at the office early this morning to do some more training so breakfast was a couple of hard boiled eggs that I picked up at the store this morning.
When we were shopping on the weekend I was trying to think of some of the things I was eating when I was successfully following weigh watchers last time.....

and I remembered these!
They are a cranberry muesli crunch rye bread and I really like them.
They are more points than I remember (5 for 2 slices) but still good.

This was another helpful item to have on hand.
One wedge is only one point and I was a pro at covering 2 slices of the bread with 1 wedge.
It has just enough of a kick for me.

I then add a slice of turkey or chicken which is only 1 point for 4 slices so it goes really far.

Maybe not the prettiest but tasty and filling.
This was my lunch today.

I also had some dill pickles and olives on the side.
This came to only 2 points so it was a great lunch for only 8 points.
I had to run to the hardware store and grab batteries for the scale at work seeing as we are in the midst of a weigh loss competition.
Then I also had to run to vehicle registries to renew the truck and the car.
It runs out on Saturday.
I always wait until the last minute to do it every year!
I am trying to get our fridge cleaned out before we go away so I took a bunch of stuff I had in there to work with me to munch on this afternoon.
Carrots, turnip, orange peppers and radishes.
I ate about half of this bowl and I will bring the rest back with me tomorrow.
0 points and I snacked all afternoon, can't beat those numbers!
My SIL was dropping the kiddos off again today after work.
I didn't want to leave early again though so the plan was for her to leave them with mom for 10 minutes until I got home.
There was a miscommunication about that though so she ended up taking them to work with her and I picked them up there.
Once I had them, we went to the store and I let them pick out what they wanted me to make them for supper.
Minion shaped Kraft Dinner it is!
I hadn't even finished making it when my brother arrived home.
I told him to stay and let them eat anyway so they did.

The KD was a hit.
I only thing I've ever not had to coax him into eating is candy.

Miss A liked hers too.
Miss A had a card in the mail today from Pepe (my dad).
He missed her birthday so he sent a card and a Mastercard Gift Card which she was pretty pumped about.

The kiddos picked out these at the store too.

Still the best face maker around!

Everyone joined in on the cookie action!

Not hard to tell someone has been eating cookies with bright orange icing.

She wanted me to take a picture of her messy face as well.
After they left, mom went out to the golf course with Ms DM for the Burger Love special and  I got to work putting laundry away, packing, cleaning out the fridge, putting the new stickers on the truck, cleaning it out, doing dishes, catching up on blogging and just generally preparing to be away from home for a week.
After that I had a nice relaxing bath.
I could never live in a house that didn't have a bath tub!
When My Honey got home, we made bacon & omelets for supper.
His parents gave us 4 dozen eggs that we really need to use up.
I am still doing great on the tracking - proud of me.
I enjoy breakfast for supper every now & then.
He got busy packing after supper as we will be heading to the city as soon as he gets off work tomorrow.  I will have a couple hours after work to finish up tomorrow.
While he was packing, I started watching the season premiere of Greys Anatomy.
I probably would have waited had I realized it was 2 hours long but once I was in, there was no stopping until it was done.
There aren't many prime time shows that I watch faithfully but this is one of them.
The episode tonight was soooo good too.
After that I hit the hay.
Vacation time is almost here and I am getting excited!
That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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