Monday 4 September 2017

Welcome to our Home Paddington!

My first day of my long weekend and I woke up super early and couldn't go back to sleep.
I really want to get back to getting in my fibre so I finally tried this new cereal I picked up a few weeks back.

I added some bananas and it was a perfect breakfast.
I also made myself a coffee then sat down to enjoy it.

I had put this movie in My List and it happened to be the .99 cent rental this week so I decided to watch it.
I was alright - not the best or worst I have ever seen but I was not sorry that I watched it.

Then I went down to get my work out in.
My trusty companion followed and kept watch.

This morning I was able to jog straight for 32 minutes.
I may have been able to go longer but I was on a time crunch.
My mom had an appointment to get her hair done at noon in WCT so we had to be on the road by 11 am and I only left myself 10 minutes to get ready.

I was happy to be done.
I should move this life size poster of Marilyn Monroe from behind me when I am working out to in front.
It might give me some extra motivation.

I had my list all ready to go and I actually remembered to take a picture of it.
My mom gave us this old frame she found and My Honey turned it into a chalkboard and I just love it.
The little sticky notes are for mom - we thought they might be helpful for her.
I am not sure if they help or not but they certainly don't hurt so I just leave them there.

I dropped mom off at her appointment just on time then I went to Timmies and grabbed myself an iced coffee.
I know they are full of calories but they are an indulgence that I really enjoy so I went for it.

I also had a maple cinnamon French toast bagel with cream cheese - yummy.
They just loaded it with cream cheese though so I had to take some of it off.

I went to Wally World (Walmart) for a few things we needed and believe it or not, what is pictured here came to just under $300.
Holy crow - $300 doesn't go that far these days.

I picked up mom and then we went for lunch.
Nothing can compare to the donairs we get back home in Nova Scotia but this place comes close.

Moms hair looks awesome.
Kind of got a bit of a smile out of her for the picture too.

We had donairs and picked up some for my brother, son & My Honey to take back for treats for them.

Then we stopped at Booster Juice for a treat for mom.
Her & my sister both love this place.
When mom was recovering from her stroke and was on the thickened liquids only diet, we would buy smoothies here to bring to her in hospital.
We had to add this powder thickener to all her liquids and the smoothies disguised the flavor of it a bit more so she would eat a bit more.

I have this same type of tree in my front yard and it is huge compared to this little baby but this one has probably 4x as many berries as what mine has this year.

When My Honey & I picked up the new water fountain dish for Professor Snuggles we met a kitty named Paddington at the pet store.
He was up for adoption and he was really cute and friendly.
He was confined to a cage all the time and even remained in the store through the nights by himself in that cage.
I really felt for him.
We have been back a few times and he was always still there so last week we said that if we came this week and he was still there, we would adopt him.

So welcome to the family Paddington.
He is about 3 - 4 years old but he is just tiny.
I didn't have a cat carrier but they gave me a box.
Once we got going though we opened the box and he sat with mom for the drive home.

It is about an hour ride and he was just panting the whole way.
I think he was pretty scared.

I was really nervous about how Professor Snuggles would take it.
This is them meeting for the first time.

They kind of just sniffed each other then went their separate ways.

I was thinking - perfect, that wasn't so bad but I was wrong.
As the evening proceeded they got into a few scraps and scuffles and I was getting very worried that they were going to hurt each other.

We took the Professor into our room with us for the night and shut the door.
I was starting to second guess our decision to bring Paddington home.

My Honey has such a way of calming my fears and he convinced me to just wait and see - they were just feeling each other out and tomorrow would be better.
So we will see how tomorrow goes.

He and I watched another episode of Game of Thrones (we are into season 2 now) then it was off to bed.

More memories of Minneapolis popped up on Facebook from Sept.1, 2014.

The Mary Tyler Moore show was set in Minneapolis so they have this statue honoring her there.

It was our last day there and we were trying to find a place to eat.
We were staying in a hotel downtown and it was the weekend so not much was open.
We ended up stumbling upon this little place called Hells Kitchen.

I had the lemon ricotta pancakes and OMG - they were fabulous
I give them a 10/10, maybe even a 10+.

They also had this sausage bread that sounded unusual so I wanted to give it a try.
It came with homemade peanut butter it was absolutely fabulous as well.

We enjoyed this meal so much - I would go back to Minneapolis just so I could eat there again and try more of their menu items.

They had a cookbook for sale with recipes for both of these dishes in it so of course we bought it.
It was an unconventional cookbook with some really fun anecdotes - I don't normally read cookbooks for entertainment but this one was an exception.

I highly, highly recommend this place if you are ever in the area.

And this memory also popped up on Facebook.
It was from 2 years back - we were visiting My Honeys parents and were taking a trip to Peace River when we saw this fellow (or lady) on the side of the road.
He just kind of stood there and posed for a picture.
As I have said before - I am always so excited to see bears, it really kind of makes my day.

I did great with my fitbit stats today - feeling pumped!

Well that's a wrap for today - until next time, be happy!

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