Wednesday 13 September 2017

The Blue Moo!

It was another beautiful, sun shine filled day here in the hills.

I was out getting my walks in today.

I noticed this little kitty on one of my walks in the field right by work.

At first it looked like Professor Snuggles so I was concerned.
I got him to come over to me and ended up he was much smaller than the Professor.

I picked him up to take him back to the office, I was going to take his picture and put it on Facebook to see if anyone was missing their kitty but he only let me hold him for a little then he wanted down.

He seemed to be well fed and in good shape so he is probably just someones pet out for a little adventure.
I have been watching for him but I haven't seen him since.

I went out to the golf course for lunch with SV, BH and NC (or guess that's NT now)!
I had the chicken biscuit - it was yummy.

After work I headed back out to the golf course so we could work on this weeks Burger Love Special.

The Blue Moo!
This is the one My Honey has been looking forward to making all year.
I am not so sure that people will go for the blue cheese but we will see.

Here is the blurb about it we put up on facebook;

What better way to honour the noble cow then by clubbing it with a pneumatic hammer, grinding it up and serving it with blue cheese?
Today's Burger Love special..., THE BLUE MOO.
It has mild Danish blue cheese, a light drizzle of Frank's Red Hot sauce, onion rings and bacon on top of an all beef patty.

My Honey has a twisted sense of humor sometimes but I think he is funny!

We ended the evening with another episode of GoT.
It is just so dang good, it's hard not to just sit and binge watch!

Well that's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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