Sunday 28 July 2024

Virtual Family Visit (July 22, 2024)

Monday - you know what that means, weigh in day.

I was 217 lbs.

I was disappointed because I was honestly expecting to be down today.

I've been doing so well at following plan and working out the last week.

I was a little bummed but I feel like if I just keep going and don't give up, I will see results eventually.

So I was up 1.4 lbs but that's ok, just going to keep on trucking.

Jason and I have a LOT of shoes and they are all piled at the front door and it's driving me crazy so I was looking for some storage solutions.
I found this shelf idea that I thought Jason could build but then I ended up find some tall shelves on amazon for fairly cheap so I ordered a couple.
I'm not sure how good they'll be but I'm willing to give them a try.

I didn't get a long run in on the weekend so I did it today - I'm kind of following a half marathon training plan.
I'm doing speed workouts, the weight training and 5k runs throughout the week then on the weekend, I'm going to do whatever long run the training plan calls for.
This weekend is the first weekend and it was a 4 mile/6.4k run on the agenda today. 

I did it on the treadmill - it wasn't that bad.

Jason had Freya out all day playing - they were catching bugs today.
Her and those rubber boots, ha ha.

Haylee took Freya to the lake with a few friends this evening and we kept Eden with us.

Chilling with Papa.

Such a sweetie.

We took her for a walk.

She fell asleep almost immediately.

Love her little toes.

Some front yard swinging with Papa and Grandma.

Silly faces.

Always so content.

It was late when Haylee came back to pick her up because they were having so much fun at the lake.
Freya wanted to stay and spend the night with us though so Haylee just kind of swapped out kids - she took Eden but she left Freya but that was fine with us.
We are always happy to have her.

Miss Whitney is 2 months old today so Morgan posted some comparison pictures.
Here she is at 1 month.

And now at two months.

My sister took my mom to PEI and they were having a family gathering today so my sister called me so I could video chat with everyone.
It was so nice to see them all.

My Auntie Betty and cousin Theresa.

My Uncle Wade - he doesn't like pictures being taken of himself.

My Uncle Gerald who is also my Godfather - Mom will be staying with him for about a month then my sister will go back and pick her up and take her back to NS.

My cousins Tricia and Chavonne.

Pam and Chavonne.

Chavonne and the crew - our newest little family member is there in her Grandma Dawn's arms - Poppy.

Chavonne with my Auntie and Uncle - Allan and Arlene.

Mom, Tricia and my Auntie Linda.

Tricia, Linda and my cousin Stella.

My cousins Lisa and Chavonne.

Cousins Krista and Madison.

My Auntie Coleen and cousin Fenton.

My sister Jen and cousins Dawn and Chavonne.

Aunty Betty and cousin Blair.

Uncle Jimmy and cousin Todd.

These were all pictures that Chavonne took and shared so I kind of scooped them.
I wish it wasn't so far away or that airfare to get there was cheaper so I could have went but the next best thing was seeing them all via video chat so I'm grateful.

Plan is to go there next year so I really hope we can all get together then and that everyone is happy and healthy and able to attend.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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