Wednesday 17 July 2024

Grandma Time (July 10, 2024)

We enjoyed another gorgeous day over here in our neck of the woods.

I had a bunch of meetings this morning so no time for a walk.


I did a speed workout today, my 1 minute run, 1 minute walk one that I do.

I started at 4.0 then upped it by .1 for each running minute, all the way up to 6.0.

I thought I would try 6.1 today but I didn't have it in me.

Next time!

Felt great to get the workout completed though.

Kody brought the girls over after work - had had to go do something which is good with me.
I love having Grandma time.

Eden reminds me soooo much of Hunter when he was little.

She spent some time in her exersaucer (what a great find that was) while I did dishes.
I put Fruit Disco on for her and she would not take her eyes off it.
She also enjoys Miss Rachel too which is a YouTube channel with learning videos for babies and toddlers.

This struck me as funny for whatever reason.

One of my Aunties posted this today.
It's my Dad's brother and his 3 sisters.
It was nice to see but at the same time made me so sad because he should have been there too with them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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