Tuesday 16 July 2024

Lobster Roll and Michael Jackson History Show (July 6, 2024)

Jason was up early and headed out for a run.


He stopped in at the St Albert Mall and found these sneakers that he really liked so he bought them.

I love the color.

They had complimentary breakfast at the hotel so Freya and I went down - she had fruit loops and I had oatmeal which I love.

We called Jason to see how far away he was - He was a couple km away so we decided to go out and start walking to meet him.

We saw a Momma Duck and all her little ducklings crossing the street.
It was like 6 lanes of traffic so we were concerned that she wasn't going to make it.

But she did make it across safety.

Right after we saw the ducks, we saw Jason so Freya ran to meet him.

She wanted to stay there and play tag so we did.

I wanted to get a selfie of the three of us but Freya was in a goofy mood.

So this is what I got.

There, that one was a bit better.

They had this photo booth with accessories in the hotel - Freya took our picture.

She tried it out too.

She really wanted to go swimming so we went to the hotel pool for an hour.
Then we were ready for some lunch and Freya wanted ramen but first I had a stop I had to make.

I figured since I was in town I'd try my luck at Lobster Mobster again for a lobster roll and my perseverance paid off.
I was FINALLY able to get a lobster roll.

You could get it traditional style with just the bun as is or you could get the bun toasted with garlic butter which is what I decided to try today.
It was $25.00 but it was very good so I felt like it was worth it.

Then we were off to Hu's Noodle Nook which is our current favorite spot for ramen.
Miss Freya and I.


Sipping on some ice while waiting for our food.

They had a few new items on the menu like these octopus skewers so we tried them.

I got the Tan Tan which is my go to there.
Since I'd just had the lobster roll I just should have skipped it because I couldn't eat that much of it.

Freya asked for 5 eggs on hers - I thought shed get just 5 egg halves but they gave her 5 whole eggs.
She made a pretty good dent in them and ate 8 of them.

They had mochi ice cream for dessert which was also new on the menu so we tried that too.
What an interesting presentation.

Freya wanted to go play after that so we found a park nearby to take her too.

It started sprinkling when we got there so I found a shelter to sit under - Jason and Freya stayed out at the park in the rain, they didn't mind.

There's little miss.
They kept running all around the park then sitting for a rest.

It stopped raining so I did some walking around the park to get some steps in, Freya decided to bury her shoes in the sand.

Then that upgraded to her feet getting buried.

Making a sand angel.

There were some artists at the park today.
As I walked around I came across some chalk art that was actually very good.
There was a kitty.

There's a whale.

A person and some jellyfish.

And more jellyfish.

After the park we stopped at a nearby Walmart to get passport photos done.
We need to get ours renewed before we head to Minneapolis in Oct so we want to try to get them sent out right away.

Freya was playing with SnapChat filters in the car and I thought this one was so cute.

She's one of the cool kids.

We had tickets to a Michael Jackson impersonator show tonight so we stopped in at the hotel to get ready before heading over there.
She loves climbing up on the rails in the elevator like this.

Freya picked out a new outfit while we were at Walmart and she wanted to wear it to the show tonight.

Michael Jackson History Show.

It was playing at the Arden Theater in St Albert and Jason got us great seats, right in the second row.

Its a pretty small theater so I think the seats would have been great no matter where you were sitting in there.

Then the show began.
It was a great production, there was a band, a back up singer and 4 back up dancers.

The guy who did Michael had his moves down.

The back up dancers were great too.

He did all the greatest hits like Smooth Criminal.

Jason got some great shots of his good moves.

We were going to order Freya this outfit to wear but I'm glad she didn't because I don't think she would have worn it.

He did a bunch of the MJ stuff from his later years that I wasn't really into at the time but is actually really good.

Freya was enjoying it - she was asking a lot of questions.

Now that's a signature MJ move.

They did some Jackson Five hits too like ABC.

The costumes for that portion were great.

They were all these groovy colors.

I took a bunch of videos of it all but can't post them because of copyright strikes.

I think that was my favorite part of the show, we were all out of our seats and dancing.

Then they did a few like Human Nature and Rock with You.

Freya was very curious about their hair and if it was real.

The Way You Make Me Feel

This was a fun song.

They came out into the audience a few times which was nice.

He was right behind us and he came over to shake hands - he went to shake Freya's hand but she was too shy and declined.

Jason got some great shots of all of his moves.

He really did a great job.

It makes me wish I could have seen MJ for real.
If this show was so great (and it was) then seeing him for real would have been amazing.

Catching the end of the moonwalk.

More singing and dancing.

He did the moonwalk several times over the course of the show.

I think this was when he was doing Billie Jean.

I think this was Bad.

The video to this is Freya's favorite so she enjoyed that.

Showing off her moves at intermission.

The last song they did was Thriller - they actually left the stage and then came back and did it as an encore number.

The costumes weren't the best but the dancing was really good.

We had a chance to get our pictures taken with some of the guys from the show.

They are from South Africa - toured all over there then did a tour all over New Zealand and now they are going across Canada.
They have been at it for 2 years so far and they really love what they do.

The whole show was so much fun and they did a super job - I would highly recommend anyone going to see it, even if you aren't a huge MJ fan I think it would still be worth it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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