Saturday 27 July 2024

Pleasing Weigh In (July 15, 2024)

Monday - Weigh in Day.

I have been doing really well with my eating and so I was looking forward to my weigh in.


I was 215.6 lbs.

That's down 5 lbs since last weigh in which is awesome.

It was also back to work day.

Our co-worker, Dustin, who just transferred to another district, stopped by the office with his wife and new baby girl today so we could all meet her which was so nice.
She was adorable and so content - barely made a peep.

Dustin let us know that he only made it 3 days in on his new job which is a camp job so he'd have to be away from his family for a week at a time and he just couldn't do it.
He hated being away from them so he'd coming back to us.

I'm glad - he's a super nice guy and one of the only positive ones we have left in the office.
A lot of the other guys are all about doom and gloom which is depressing to be around all the time.
Dustin will help to keep things on a brighter note.

I did a 1 and 1 speed workout on my lunch hour.
I started at 4.0 and worked my way up to 6.1 - I was able to run a whole minute at 6.1 today and that felt like progress.

It's such a great work out - I'm always soaked when I'm done.

I washed up for work because I didn't have time to shower but then when I got home after work, I had a nice long bath.

Then Kody came over to work out, we have a treadmill and a bunch of weights and he was thinking of buying a gym membership but I told him to just come here.
So he did and he brought the girls so I got to have snuggle time while he worked out.

Jason and the girls took Luna for a walk to the park in the bike trailer.

They took her down the slide.

The girls took Luna to the park to play

Eden and I went for a little walk and ended up meeting them down at the park.

I just carried Eden down there so when we went to walk home, we put Eden in the bike trailer (Freya got in with her) and I carried Luna.

She looks so cute in there - ha ha.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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