Saturday 27 July 2024

Sisters = Built in Friends (July 17, 2024)


I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch hour for a 5k run.

Felt so good to get it done.

As soon as Jason got home Freya had him busy - they cooked up some cookies.

She decorated them.

Don't they look great!

I thought she was going to give me some but she wanted me to pay for them.
Little hustler.

Show me the money.

She's such a little goofball.

Showing us her dance skills.

.......and that's how you floss.

Kody came over to work out and he brought Eden.
Freya helped me change her.
She's a good big sister.

Playing with sissy.


Those little eyebrows at the end.

We went to the bedroom to play for a bit.

Freya had Eden giggling.

They are so cute together - I am so glad they have each other.

Super baby!

Freya did my makeup - I look like I was outside rolling around in the dirt.

Papa's on days off now so of course Freya wanted to spend the night.

Her and Papa have this secret greeting.

Hazel joined Freya and I for some cuddles at bed time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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