Tuesday 2 July 2024

Canada Day (July 1, 2024)

Today was weigh in day and I was expecting to be down so I was quite surprised (and disappointed) when I stepped on the scale.

I was 216.6 lbs.

That was up 2.6 lbs since last weigh in so not exactly what I was hoping.
I'm just going to brush it off though and keep going.
I know if I keep on keeping on, eventually I will see results.

I had a quiet morning - had a couple of coffees then headed out for a walk - I did run a couple of small sections.
Then when I got back to the house, I did a full body weight training workout.
I did it with 8 lb weights today - It was good until the last exercise - that one was tough, I did it though.

After that I had a nice long hot relaxing bath.

Then I found a movie to watch.
It's been sometime since I watched a movie.

A Family Affair.
It was a cute movie - I enjoyed it.

Haylee posted a few cute pictures of her and the girls.

All ready to celebrate Canada Day.

Freya enjoying the festivities in Whitecourt

I think she was going to play a game and the fire fighter is giving her instructions.



When Jason got home, we went for a nice walk together.

I found another photo from when I was a bit lower in my weight - I feel really good in the picture.
Back to getting my daily step count in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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