Tuesday 9 July 2024

Never Giving Up (July 3, 2024)

We are having another cold and dreary day over here today.

OMG Summer - where are you?

The office was super quiet today, not much going on at all.

This is just a taste of how summer is going to be at the office but that's fine.


I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch hour, ran for 30 minutes at a 4.1/4.2

After workout selfie.

I had a massage today after work - I love massage day.
It was so relaxing - I almost feel asleep a couple of times.

When I went home, Jason had cooked us shrimp, carrots and mashed potatoes for supper.
After we ate we went out for a nice long walk, nearly 5k.
It's July 3rd and I was wearing long pants and long sleeves - Jason was wearing gloves.

The weather is supposed to get nice starting tomorrow - I sure hope so.

I'm feeling discouraged about the whole weight loss thing - I weighed in this morning (I know, I shouldn't have) and I was up a little so that bummed me out.
I feel like I'm doing everything right so I don't know why it's such a struggle.

I just have to trust the process and I'm sure I will get there.
I wish I didn't spend so much of my time thinking about it - but alas, I do.
Maybe that's something for me to start working on or manifesting.

This will be my mantra going forward.

I am strong, I am fit, I am healthy.
I lose weight easily and effortlessly.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
I love myself and my body.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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