Wednesday 17 July 2024

Crappy Weigh In (July 8, 2024)

Today is Monday so that's weigh in day.

I was 220.6 which was up from last week.
Totally the wrong direction!
The bad choices over the weekend caught up with me for sure.

It's 4 lbs up from last week to be exact.
I'm on an upward trend - need to nip that in the bud.

Jason got Freya up and ready to go to the PAWS program at the school.
She wanted me to drive her so I left from work and took her over there.

I did my workout at lunch time,
I did a run, 5k on the treadmill.

I was super sweat as usual when I finished.

Back to work for the afternoon.
I had picked up Freya from PAWS and Zepplyn wanted to come over too so Jason entertained both girls for the afternoon.

When I got home I still needed to get in a few steps so we took the girls for a walk.
We played at the park for a bit then we went for ice cream.

I think more got on her face then in her belly.

We got to have a visit with Eden when we dropped the kids off.

She loves Papa kisses.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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