Monday 1 July 2024

Freya Bakes, A Lot (June 30, 2024)

Freya didn't call out when she woke up this morning, she just came out and snuggle up onto the couch with me.

Awww, does that mean the mornings of her calling out 'Grandma' and me having to go in and snuggle with her for a bit before she gets up are over?

I sure hope not.

She started asking for Hunter as soon as she got up so I called Adrien to see if he wanted to come over again and Jason dropped him off.

He only stayed about an hour though then he wanted to go home to his mom's so she came and picked him up.

Freya did my make-up, then we did some painting with the water colors, then she wanted to go for a bike ride.

We walked over to see if Zepplyn was home, she was not.

We walked over to the park but there weren't any kids around so Freya was kind of bored - so we walked back up to the house.

Then we took the car down to the store to get some ingredients to do some baking.

(We would have walked but the sky was looking quite ominous - I think we are in for a doozy of a storm).

Freya wanted to make a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing and she wanted to buy chocolate sauce to put on it.

We made the cake when we got home, we did some more painting while it cooked then cooled down in the fridge so we could ice it.

She iced it herself then she wanted to add the strawberries - I sliced them and she put them on.

Then she wanted to add mini marshmallows, then chocolate chips, then the chocolate sauce.

She still wanted to add something else but the only thing I could find was some Peanut Butter powder so we sprinkled some of that on top too.

She did all of the decorating herself and it turned out really well.

Then she wanted to take it to Mom and Dad so we drove it over there.

I thought she was wanting to go home but she wasn't, she wanted to come back with me and see Jason.

I wanted to get my workout in so she came back with me and she sat downstairs with me and watched YouTube videos on my phone while I did my speed workout.

Jason got home when I was about 20 minutes into my workout so he entertained her from there.

I did the run for 1 minute then walk for 1 minute workout starting at 4.0 then bumping it up for each run minute by .1 all the way up to 6.0.
Then on the way back down I did 5.5, 5.0, 4.5 and 4.0 just to get me to the hour mark for the workout.

It's such a good workout - it's really tough.

I was able to go right up to the 6.0 with only a minute walk rest in between so already that's an improvement from the last time I did this workout.
I am going to continue to do it at least once a week and when I feel like I can, I'll try to go higher than 6.0

Jason had stopped at the store on his way home and picked up ingredients for him and Freya to do some more baking.
They may a giant sugar cookie then they decorated it - he picked up a bunch of icings and sprinkles for her.
Then she wanted to go outside and play.

We did get a bit of a storm earlier - it ended up being not as bad as it looked like it might be but the grass was really wet but she didn't care.

Her and Jason have been working on learning to hit the ball with the bat and she wanted to get out there and do it some more.
They did that until around 9:30 then Jason and I drove her home.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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