Wednesday 3 July 2024

New Plan (July 2, 2024)

We were having a bbq lunch at the office today for another co-worker that is transferring to another district so I went home a little early for lunch today just so I could get my workout in.

I ran 30 minutes on the treadmill at a 4.1.

As always, it felt great to get it done.

I decided that for the next month or so I'm going to follow this new plan I made up.
It will be a 4 day rotation - the first two days will be running on the treadmill for 30 minutes - I might bump that up to 35 or 40 minutes.
Day 3 will be a speed workout or a 1 minute run, 1 minute walk for about an hour.
Then the fourth and final day of the rotation will be the full body weight workout.

I may have a rest day here and there - I'll just fit it in when I feel like I need it.
Then I'm also back to getting my 14,000 steps a day and on nice days I'm going to try to fit in extra walks if I can.
The more steps the better.

There's Dustin and Chase.
Dustin is the one that is leaving us - he's a nice guy, I'm sorry to see him go but it is a great opportunity for him.

Thane, Tom and Dan.

One of the maintenance guys, Scott and Murray.

A few more of the guys - Clayton did all the barbequing for us again.
It was a much smaller crowd this time - with this being an extra short week,  a lot of people took vacation this week.

I'm trying to follow ww closely again so no bbq for me, I just got myself a sub from subway but I did hang out with everyone else while they ate.

I finished another audiobook today.
The Promise You Made
It was a free one on Audible - I liked it.

It wasn't a very nice evening out, we had a bit of a thunder and lightning storm roll through.
One clap of thunder was so loud and ferocious that it made the whole house shake and I could even feel it in my body.
It was wild.

I had planned on going out for a walk but since I couldn't do that, I just walked around the house until I got my 14,000 steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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