Saturday 27 July 2024

Date in the City with My Honey (July 18, 2024)

I love Thursdays in the summer because it's the beginning of the weekend for me.

One of our team members at work is moving to Mexico so I was looking for gift ideas for him.
We found this mug and I'm going to have a girl in town make it for him.

While I was looking around for gift ideas I came across this and it cracked me up.

I did a speed workout today, started at 4.0 and worked my way up to 6.3 today.

Always feels good to get it done.

After work, Jason and I headed into the city.

We need to get our passports renewed and we want to submit them in person just to make sure there are no issues.

First thing we did in Edmonton was stop at the West Edmonton Mall and I got a pedicure and a manicure.
I love the color.

We checked into our room then walked down the street to a brewery nearby that we've never tried,
Campio Brewing Company.

They have a huge outdoor seating area.

Nice little photo op area.

It was a gorgeous evening so of course we opted to sit outdoors.

My Honey.


We shared a club sandwich.

It came with a beet side salad.

Then we got another full salad that had pecans and apples.
It was great.

My Aunt shared an old picture of my Uncle Adrian when he as just young.

Mel shared this cute picture of Hunter - I miss when he was little - he was so darn cute.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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