Sunday 28 July 2024

Fire in Jasper, Cake Pops and 9 Months Old Today (July 25, 2024)

We got hammered with rain today unfortunately it is a day too late.
There were a couple of forest fires making their way to the town of Jasper and they did hit there last night.
I'm not sure what the damage there was but there was definitely homes and businesses lost and it's so sad.
We love Jasper - it's such a beautiful spot.

You can't really tell from these pictures but the sky was looking apocalyptical - I think the rain on the fires was causing all the smoke in the air and the strange sky color.

We needed the rain so it's good and hopefully it helped in Jasper somewhat even if it was too late for some of the town.

It was just a strange feeling out there today.

I ended up working through my lunch hour to get some things done so I just went home an hour earlier at the end of the day.

I did a full body weight training today then I also I hopped on the treadmill to get my steps in.
I just walked. 

It took me almost an hour to get the steps in that I needed but even though I did only walk, I was still pretty sweaty when I finished. 

Freya wanted to come spend the night and as soon as Jason got home from work she wanted to make dough.

Jason asked her what kind of dough and she said cake pops which they've never made before so not sure where that idea came from but that's just what they did.

They turned out pretty good - she insisted that I have one so I did try a bit and it was good.

Little Miss Eden is 9 months old today so Haylee posted some pictures to commemorate.

She is such a cutie.

I love her little smile.

The little dress is super cute too.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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