Saturday 27 July 2024

First Renaissance Fair For All of Us (July 13, 2024)

 When we got up, Freya and I headed next door to visit with everyone and start getting ready.

Eden was in a chipper mood as always.

Haylee had a cute outfit.

She's got her elf ears on.

The girls were looking so cute.

Freya rocking the elf ears.


Impromptu outdoor photo shoot.

I ordered this dress for her from Amazon and it's super cute.

We got into the line up for the Renaissance Fair - it was huge.
I think we waited for almost an hour.

Haylee, Kody, Freya and Crystal.

I stopped and got this dress at Walmart on the way - it was kind of a costume.
I felt like part of the crew anyway.

Haylee put a little braid in Freya's hair and it looked so nice.

Once we got inside the fair grounds, we saw some really great costumes.

Off to battle.

I love the little mushroom umbrella.

Another neat costume.

There were food trucks, tents with vendors selling wares.

There were so many people dressed up, it was great.

Freya joined in on some dance lessons.

Zepplyn was her partner.

Learning a new dance.

We found a spot to sit to watch the jousting.

Crystal and Zepplyn.

Haylee and Freya.

There come the jousters.

Those knights must have been hot in all that gear.

Freya got tired of her elf ears so Kody put them on.
They suit him.

The line ups for the food trucks were soooo long.

I was very impressed with the amount of people that showed up in costumes - it was great.

Kody, Eden and Haylee.

Another awesome costume.


and back.

If we attend one of these again, I think I am going to try to make myself a costume to wear.

What a cape!

Looks like some storm clouds might be rolling in.

More random costumes that I saw there.

and more.

Hardened criminal we came across. 😊

She is a pretty cute prisoner.

There was an area where you could go and fight.

A vendor gifted this hair piece to Freya.

Such a cutie pie.

One of the jousters.

Haylee makes a cute elf.

They even had a couple of ladies playing violin and they were taking requests.

It started drizzling and then it really started to downpour so we decided to leave and head back to the hotel.

The rain didn't last long thankfully so I decided to head out for a run.

The Vegreville sign.

It's been a long time since I've been on an outdoor run.
I had to stop and walk a short distance twice but then I was able to run the rest of the way.
All in all, I ran 7k, I had wanted to do 6.4k so I was happy with that.

Back at the hotel, Crystal and Haylee had the girls down at the pool so I changed into my swimsuit and went down and joined them.

Kody and Haylee wanted to go to a movie so I offered to stay with the kiddos.
I stayed in the room with Crystal and hung out until the kids got home.

Freya was a big help with her sister - she even helped get her to sleep.

Chilling with my two little girlies.

Once they got back from the movies I went back to my room and Freya decided to come with me and stay with me again which was nice.
I sure love spending time with her.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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