Sunday 28 July 2024

I Love Crafting (July 23, 2024)

Freya spent the night so I texted Jason this morning to see how things were going and he sent me these pictures.


Freya having noodles for breakfast.

She loves spicy noodles - we can't keep them in the house.

I had planned on working out on my lunch hour but when I went home for lunch I didn't really feel like it so I just hung out with Jason and Freya instead.

She didn't want me to go back to work but I had to so I suggested her and Jason drop me off and then come back later and pick me up - she liked that idea.
She loves coming to my office.
She was sitting at my desk and plunking away on the keyboard like she worked there and she thought that was just great.

She wanted to decorate so she drew a bunch of happy faces and hung them up all over the inside and outside of my office.
On the door,

And on the wall.
I left them up after they left because they make my heart happy to see them.

They picked me up after work and Jason showed her what cat tv was.

Hazel was trying really hard to get that mouse.

Then we ended up taking her home because Zepplyn was over there with Haylee so she wanted Freya to come over and play with her.

I stopped over at Nadine's and helped her decorate some bicycle wheels for a wedding coming up this weekend.

Then when I got home, I sewed two more banners.
I love how they turned out - I love creating stuff like this, it is so satisfying.
I'm in the crafting mood now, hopefully it keeps up - I have a Christmas Craft fair to prepare for.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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