Tuesday 16 July 2024

Emergency with Eden (July 7, 2024)

We got up early and went down for some breakfast.

Freya had Fruit Loops and half of my bagel.
Then we went for a quick swim before we checked out of the hotel.

I had to pick up a few things at Walmart then we stopped at Brown's Social House for something to eat before we left town.

It was a gorgeous day so we sat in their patio area which is actually enclosed but all windows so full of light.
Very Nice.
My handsome Honey.

Freya and Grandma

I had a salad for lunch and it was quite good.

Then we hit the road - Freya wanted Jason to drive and for me to sit in the back with her so that's what I did.

I got her this drawing pad which kind of works like an Etch-a-Sketch.
She is quite the little artist.

Isn't this great?
Maybe I'm biased but I think it's incredible.
She has such a great imagination.

She drew a 'play' icon.

Then a mermaid.

We stopped at Dairy Queen in Westlock and had blizzards then she wanted to play for a bit so we found a local park.

It was just small but all we needed.

She and Jason literally horsed around.

She was hot so she had to change.
She is the queen of changing these days and can go through several outfits a day.
I got her this outfit while we were in the city too - it looks like a dress but is actually shorts and it's really cool and comfy and super cute.

While they played, I walked around to get some of my steps in.
We spent about an hour there before getting back on the road and heading home.

We took her straight home and when we got there, nobody was home which was odd.
Then after a few minutes, Kody showed up.

They had an emergency with Eden.
They were in Whitecourt at a bbq for the day and when the got home, Kody noticed that Eden was lying face down on her little couch.
When he picked her up she was extremely lethargic and not responding to them talking to her.
They were even clapping and yelling at her and she just wasn't reacting at all so they called the ambulance.
The EMT workers checked all her vitals and took her up to the hospital in town and the nurses checked her over as well - they thought all was good but there was no Doctor available in town so they suggested Kody and Haylee take her to see a Doctor in Barrhead just in case.

So they were grabbing a few things and they were off and Freya came to spend the night with us.

They did see a doctor and she thought that there was a chance Eden may have had a seizure maybe onset by the heat.
There wasn't much else that they could do but they said just to keep an eye on her so they stayed at Rita's in Barrhead for the night.

These are a few more drawings Freya did in the car on the weekend.
We love this one - think we are going to get it made into a sticker.

This is Dua Lipa.

A butterfly and a snail.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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