Thursday 11 July 2024

Fun Times in Slave Lake (July 5, 2024)

I had planned on getting up early to do a workout before we left for the city this morning.
The get up early part happened, the workout did not.

Our little angel had a good sleep in this morning and we just let her because we were up late last night.

Paddington is the funniest cat - if he isn't laying on the floor like a beached whale, he's sitting on the couch like an old man.

We had planned on heading in to the city after Freya got up but she wanted to stop in and say Good Bye to Mom and Dad first.
We went over there, saw Dad and said our good-byes to him but Mom was over at the park walking so we went over there to say good bye to her too and then plans just kind of morphed into something different.

Her little friend Dakota was there and his family and some other kiddos so she wanted to stay and play with them.
Then Haylee mentioned that she, Kody and Eden were heading to the beach in Slave Lake today then the carnival there and Freya wanted to go as well so we decided to make a pit stop there on our way to the city.

We went to Devonshire Beach just outside Slave Lake, it was my first time ever going there.
It was a huge sandy beach and barely anyone there.

I went and dipped my toes in the water and I was expecting it to be super cold but it wasn't, it was actually kind of warm.

Jason made Freya into a mermaid.

Then she made sand angels.

Haylee, Kody and Eden arrived a little bit after us.

OMG - I love her little smile.

She is so happy and pleasant all the time.

Her little bangs blowing in the breeze.

Jumping over the waves.

Making sissy smile.

Cooling down.

She loves holding her little sister.

Loving the beach.

Freya was in and out of the water all day.
You could walk out for quite some distance and it stayed very shallow.

Testing out the floaties that I got last year.

It kind of worked?

The games she comes up with.

She and Papa played around in the water.

Spinning is so fun.

While Jason and Freya frolicked in the water, Eden and I did some frolicking of our own.

She was really enjoying the water.

Then we enjoyed some blanket time on the beach.

Silly faces - Freya always made them when she was little too.

Figuring out the whole bucket and shovel thing.

She liked the sand.

If she can pull herself up on something she will.

She can stand on her own for a second or so now, I'm expecting her to take off walking any day now.

Just chilling with Dad.

And with Grandma and Papa.

Showing us her muscles.

Strike a pose.

Ok - time to dry off.

All dressed and ready for the next activity.

Which was the fair.

She and Haylee got bracelets and went on a bunch of rides - the rest of us just kind of hung out and watched them from the sideline which was fine with us.
Jason and I aren't really ride people and Kody wanted to stay with Eden.

It's so cute how she's looking up at Papa.

She was happy just hanging out watching everything going on around her.

I'm glad Haylee likes the rides - she and Freya went on all the ones they could.
This is the Sizzler.

The Tilt-a-Whirl

I was kind of nervous about them going on this swing because it goes up so high and Freya is so little, I was afraid she'd fall out or something but it was just fine.

Swing ride

She's into adult rides but also still into some of the kid rides like this monster truck one.

She thought it was hilarious that she looked so short.

Selfie with Mommy.

Jason got a couple of really awesome pictures of Eden.

Like this one - I love it.

Then it was time for some supper - Eden had her bubba.

We went to downtown Slave Lake - there was an event going on there today, there was a parade and a bunch of food trucks.

We missed the parade but we did see these girls with these awesome flamingo 'costumes'.
They were so cool.

We had wanted to try the food trucks but the line ups were just way too long so we skipped it.
We wanted to go to a restaurant but Freya just wanted McDonald's so that's what we had.
It was getting late by then anyway and we still had a 2.5 hour drive to the city so we just wanted to get on the road.

It was around 11:30 when we got to the city - we were hungry so we ordered a couple pizzas from Dominos - that was our snack then we hit the hay.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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