Saturday 28 October 2023

Co-Worker Birthday and (Oct.27, 2023)

One of our co-workers, Tim Christensen, turns 60 this weekend so we decorated up his office this morning for him.

Streamers on the doorway.

We printed out a bunch of 60's and just put the everywhere.

Blair blew up some balloons for us and Bonnie, Shennelle and I did the rest.

I think it turned out pretty good.
That Elmo I made for Freya's 2nd birthday is becoming a staple around here.

Freya and Jason were hanging out - he gave her a make up kit we bought for her and she tried it out.
I'm impressed that she kept it simple.

I had to run 4 miles today - I had wanted to do it outside but it was snowing a little and it was cold so treadmill it was.

I started off at a 4.1 and went up a bit from there.
I watched some When Calls the Heart to pass the time and I was drenched when I finished.

I washed up and headed back to the office.
It was a pretty quiet afternoon - Friday's normally are.
Nadine stopped by for a visit with Bonnie and I.

When I got home after work, Freya and Papa were busy doing all kinds of stuff, making play dough, coloring and...

Dance Party with Papa.

we took Freya back home so she could spend a night with mom and dad and her new little sissy before we go to the city tomorrow - we are taking her in there for the night.

I got to see Eden - she's so tiny and precious.

Haylee posted some more pictures of her I thought I would share.
I love the little fist by her cheek.

She's got her Stitch blanket.

Snuggling with Mom.

Dad is so in love.

She definitely sleeps a LOT.

Aww - she looks just like Freya did when she was a baby.

Back at home Jason and I had a quiet night.
He made us pork for supper and we watched some vlogs before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Baby Eden Comes Home and Meets More of the Family (Oct.26, 2023)

 Jason had planned on doing a long run this morning after he dropped Freya off at school but she wasn't feeling well so we kept her home.

I decided to work from home this morning just so Jason could still head out for his run.

It was really miserable out there today so kudos to him for getting that done.

My internet at home was so slow it was hard to work otherwise I likely would have just worked from there all day.
It was too frustrating though so once Jason got home, I headed down to the office for the afternoon.

I had to run 3 miles today and I'm not as brave as Jason - there was no way I was facing the elements so instead I hopped on my trusty treadmill.
I am so grateful that I have it.

It felt like a struggle today for some reason but I got it done.

When I got home Hunter was there - Jason said Freya was asking for him to come over all day long and she was relentless.
Then she ended up getting mad because I had given her a Walmart toy flyer and told her to circle the things that she liked then I gave Hunter the same flyer and told him to circle the things he liked but with a different color marker.

Well he circled one of the same things she did and she was livid about it.

We promised her we'd get her a new flyer for her to mark up then Jason played 'kitties' with her and Hunter and everything was better.

Kody called early in the evening to say that Haylee and Eden were discharged from the hospital so they were on their way home, did we want to come over.

He wanted Mom to meet Freya.
So we all got ready and headed over there.

So Mom got a turn to hold her first.
Eden and her Great Nanny Myrtle.

So sweet.

Hunter wanted a turn next and Freya had to 'help' him hold her sister.

Took another shot with my flash so I could see them better.

He was so amazed by how tiny her fingers and fingernails were.

He was checking them out.

She seems tinier than she was yesterday.

He's so proud - and Freya is just being silly.

Kody keeping a close eye on things.

Freya getting ready for her turn to hold Eden.

Then you know Grandma wanted a turn.

I could just sit and stare at her for hours.

Her little fingers and hands are so tiny.

Papa had a turn too of course.

Look at her holding on to his finger.

Adrien came over to meet her too but he didn't want to hold her because he'd just smoked and didn't want to get the smell on her.
Rob was there too.

Then after he went home, Alivia ran across the street so she could meet Eden too.

So of course she had a turn holding her as well.

Just taking in all of the cuteness.

Mom keeping a watchful eye this time.

We didn't stay too long - mom is still tired.
Freya came back to our place to spend another night.

We started watching The Haunted Mansion and it was good but I was really tired so I didn't finish watching it - just went to bed.
Freya came with me and was watching videos on my phone.
I was just falling asleep when my phone died so she gave it to me and then wanted me to read her a book.
I was way too tired - I told her maybe Papa could (he was still up) and she could go hang with him but Grandma really wanted to go to sleep.
She just said ok and promptly fell asleep - she must have been super tire.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Introducing Eden Skye - Welcome to the World Baby Girl (Oct.25, 2023)

Jason and I had optometrist appointments in Barrhead first thing this morning so we were on the road by 7:30.
Jason drove and I got on the phone with Insception.
They really weren't much help, said they could likely get my address changed by Friday on the package.
I reminded her again that the baby was coming today and she acted like it was the first time she'd heard that even though I've been calling them for like a week and a half now telling them that I needed the package for today and she just said she was sorry but it was a missed opportunity.

We were both annoyed and angry so next I tried calling Fedex directly - Jason said we'd just hire a courier or hotshot ourselves to get the package to us.
It took forever to actually talk to a person but eventually we did, I explained the situation and she said she was going to go check what our options were.
When she came back on the phone, she said the package was actually delivered to the address by Canada Post first thing this morning.

So Jason dropped me off at the optometrist and turned around and went right back to Swan Hills.
I had to cancel his appointment but we felt it was more important to get the package.

My prescription didn't change any but I'm still going to get a new pair of glasses because mine are all scratched up.
I tried on a bunch and sent pics to Jason to get his opinion.
I wanted to go with something new, maybe a new shape or color so I tried a bunch on.

These are too big for my face.

I always try the wire ones but I never like them.

This is kind of the shape I normally go with but a different color.

The black I felt was too dark and they are quite big.

These ones were ok.

I considered these but I think they were too small for my face.

This shape just doesn't suit me.

I did like these.

Too light.

I think these were the ones I ended up getting but honestly, I tried so many on that I can't remember for sure.

It may have been these ones as well.

After my appointment, I was just going to walk around downtown Barrhead but it was pretty cold out there.
Kody happened to call for an update on the collection kit situation - they were all over at Rita's.
So I asked if he'd come pick me up and he did.

I just hung out there with Kody, Haylee, Crystal, Zepplyn and Freya.
Haylee and Kody were planning on heading over to the hospital at 11:30 and Jason got back with the collection kit right at that time.

One last baby bump picture before baby arrives.

They headed to the hospital - then Rita and Crystal were taking the girls swimming so Jason and I just shopped around Barrhead all day.
We hit up the second hand stores, went to Reid's for lunch.

They had a pumpkin decorating contest going on at the Coop Pharmacy.

This one was my favorite by far.

This one was pretty cute too.

Haylee's appointment was supposed to be at 1 so I was predicting that the baby would be here by 1:30 but that came and went and we didn't hear from anyone.
Closer to 3, Kody called and I thought for sure he was calling to say Baby had arrived but he said they were just taking her in then.

Finally right around 4 pm we got a text from Kody saying baby was here and to come anytime to meet her.
I asked if Haylee wanted anything and she wanted a berry smoothie and pizza so we got those both and then headed over to the hospital.
We still didn't know her name and were excited to be learning it when we met her.

These are some pictures from in the operating room.

Kody, Haylee and Baby Girl.

Mama and Baby.

First selfie with Mom and Dad.

She looks just like Freya when Freya was born.

Crystal, Rita, Zepplyn and Freya ended up getting to the hospital first.

Crystal said that Freya was just vibrating - she was so excited about meeting her baby sister.

Such a sweet picture of her meeting her for the first time.

Just staring at her with so much love.

Zepplyn got her turn to hold her - she was just thrilled as well.
Both girls are so in love - it's sweet to see.

Grandma Crystal meeting Baby for the first time.

I can see some dark hair peaking out from that hat.

Grandma Crystal, Auntie Zepplyn and Baby Girl.

Grandma Rita meeting baby girl.

She's just perfection.

We brought some balloons to welcome Baby.

Freya and Zepplyn were just itching to tell us her name when we got there.

Meeting Eden Skye Poirier for the very first time.

Freya wanted another turn to hold her.

She's very gentle with her.

Look at that smile and look at all that hair that Eden has - I think Freya might have had more when she was born but it's still a lot of hair for a baby.

Next up was Papa Jason's turn to hold Eden.

It's really a wonder - she's so tiny and beautiful.

We hung out in the room for a bit and visited.

Jason kept the girls busy coloring.

Had some pizza.

We all took another turn holding Eden and just staring at her in wonder.

Even Daddy took a turn.

Proud Papa right there.

She's so chill, we barely heard a peep from her the whole time we were there.

Then it was time for us to get ready to go.
So just a few more pictures before we go.

Mommy, Freya and Eden.

Mommy, Daddy and Eden.

Kody and Haylee were spending the night at the hospital so Jason and I were taking Freya home with us.

Mommy was tired and she was looking forward to having some snuggle time with Eden herself.

Bye sweet girl - you are so loved already.

Kody and Haylee took some pictures after we all left that Haylee posted to introduce her to the world so I've included those here.

Introducing Eden Skye Poirier.

Look at that little curl poking out from under that hat.

Still snoozing.

Mom and Baby.

Back at the house, Freya tested out the fake blood that we got her.
The blood looks pretty real.

We got latex too and she tried that out on Papa's face.

The new big sister.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!