Tuesday 6 July 2021

Weigh In Day - The 170's Are So Close (July 5, 2021)

Weigh in day today.

I was very good about tracking this week and staying within my daily points range.
I'm determined to see the 170's and I've been slacking lately.
I was 180.2 this morning which is pretty close, I'll take it.

That's 3.4 lbs down since last week's weigh in and 92.8 all together.
I might have slowed down a little but I'm not stopping, no way!

Crystal posted picture this morning on Facebook from their Drumheller trip so I thought I would share those too.

Another shot of the girls with a couple of dinosaurs.

So cool that's there is a splash park right at the feet of the t-rex.

Zepplyn striking a pose.

Kody, Freya and Zepplyn walking around the hoo doos.

I just love all the dinosaurs around the town - lots of photo ops.

This guy is especially cute and the girls on the bench....even cuter.

Inside the dinosaur museum.

Cooling down again.

Looks like it was the perfect place to spend some time on a hot and sunny day.

Another one in the mouth of the giant t-rex in Drumheller.

Randy and Crystal.

Preach sister!

Crystal and Zepp.

Birthday cake time.

Kody and Freya taking a window selfie.

Kody posted a couple pictures himself of his family which I also wanted to share.

Haylee, Kody and Freya!

My computer was acting up this morning and I needed to print some stuff off so I ended up going down to my actual office and working for the morning.

Bonnie is back to work there full time and Sharon just happened to be there this morning too so I got to chat with them briefly before I left.

I had a meeting at 1pm sharp so I wanted to get out for a run before that so I started my lunch a bit early.

I did a different route today, I went up the hill instead of down.

Just for a change of scenery mainly but also because I only wanted to do 5k and I knew if I went my regular way, I would talk myself into doing the whole 8k.

As it was, I ended up doing 6k.

Once I'm out there, if I'm feeling good (or not) I often try to run for longer than I initially planned.

The exercise details.

My average pace is kind of staying in the same place as are my splits.

When I got home, I had time to get a quick breakfast/lunch together before my meeting started.
I had an egg with some leftover chicken and green & yellow beans.

The afternoon dragged on a bit because I had nothing pressing, just odds and ends that I was working on.

After work, I walked down to the store to get a few things plus I needed to get some more steps in to reach my 12,000 goal.

When I got back home, Kody brought Freya by for a visit.
I was so happy to see her - a few days without seeing her is a long time.

She was all about Daddy today.
She looks sad but she's just making the face on purpose - she just loves acting silly.

She wanted a bubba of course and she came and gave me some cuddles.

But then it was right back to Daddy.

She had on the cutest little pantsuit.
I had one similar to this when I was pregnant for Kody and I just loved it.
I never did fit back into it though after I had him.

I tried to get her to strike a pose like a model and this is what I got.
Ha ha!

Kody had a few things he needed to go do so he left her with me.
She played on the tablet a little and got me a present for my Birthday Day.
It's so cute, that's what she calls it, "birthday day".

Then she came and sat on my lap and promptly fell asleep.

I love cuddling with her like this so I found a movie to watch and just sat like this for the whole time that she napped.

This was the movie I watched, 84 Charing Cross Road.
It was a cute movie - I forgot how much I like old movies although this one was from the 80's, it felt much older.

She woke up a few times, looked around then fell right back to sleep.
She was still sleeping on my lap when Jason got home from work.
She had quite the nap.

He and I finished watching the movie together and she woke up not too much later.

She was so happy to see him (and he her).

She went and snuggled up beside him then just looked up at him and said "I love you Papa" out of nowhere.
Then she looked over at me and said "I love you too Grandma".

If that doesn't melt a person's heart, I don't know what would.

They just sat together like that and watched tv until Kody came back.

Just a girl and her Papa.

We would have had her spend the night but we both have to work tomorrow but she's going to come spend the night tomorrow night instead.

Mel posted a nice picture of her and Adrien today - I really like it so I wanted to share.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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