Monday 19 July 2021

Massage Day - My Favorite! (July 13, 2021)

I had a busy day at work and didn't even get a chance to go out for a run at lunch time.


So after work, I decided to hop on the treadmill.

I did a 1 and 1 workout.

I was really hard, especially when I got up to the 7's but I did it!

I would have stayed on longer but I had an appointment for a massage and I wanted to get a shower in too before I headed down there.

I took another picture when I got upstairs just so you could see how super sweaty I was.
I was dripping which is gross but also felt good at the same time.

After my shower, I walked down to my massage appointment.
I love massage day!

She spent a lot of time working on my legs, my feet and my knees.
My knees have been bothering me a bit lately hence the doctor appointment yesterday.
Hopefully it's nothing serious.

I did get a call from the St Albert clinic and I have an appointment there on Friday to go have an ultra sound done on both of my knees.

It started raining while I was in getting my massage so I got Jason to come down and pick me up.

We had planned on taking the kayaks out again tonight but it was raining and thundering and lightning so we figured it would be best to skip it.

Good thing we did because lightning strikes caused 5 forest fires right around Edith and the old town site lake we were going to go to.

We watched helicopters flying over hauling water to drop on the fires.
Hopefully they get them put out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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