Sunday 18 July 2021

Farmer's Market, Ramen and Smores (July 10, 2021)

 I was supposed to go for a run this morning but I decided that I would skip it and have a rest day instead.

We actually had a balcony which if I'm being honest, freaked me out a little because of Freya but we did take her out there this morning to have a look at the view.

I like this downtown area of Edmonton, it's pretty.

It was looking like it was going to be a nice day out there.

While Jason went out for his run, I took Freya back to the pool to go swimming again since she enjoyed last night so much.
Jason got there about halfway through so he spent a half hour in the pool with us too.
She just loved it.

When we got back to the room, she chilled while Jason and I packed up.

She was just the Belle of the ball at the hotel this weekend.
We kept running into the same people over and over and she was so friendly and chatty with everyone - they all loved her.
She's a little charmer, that's for sure.

There was a Farmer's Market going on just down the street from the hotel so we thought we'd check it out before we left.

Miss Freya wanted Papa to carry her on his shoulders and of course we all know that her wish is his command.

Noticed a cool mural down there.

There weren't a lot of booths but it was nice to see something like this up and running again.
There was fresh fruit and veggies so we got new potatoes, carrots, blackberries, strawberries and cherries.

Freya taste tested all the fruit back in the car.

She gave it a thumbs up.

We decided to go for another treat while we were in the city, ramen, at our favorite place, Kazoku Ramen.
Freya had fallen asleep on the drive over and slept until the food came.

It was just as delicious as usual.

We got Freya a bowl and I gave her some of mine.
She's a noodle lover so we figured she might like it.

She insisted on using the chopsticks.

She had a bit of a time figuring them out.

She managed though.

I  think she liked them!

She was slurping the noodles like a pro.

Yum Yum.

She makes the best faces.

We knew she was done when she started playing with the noodles.

So Grandma and Papa took her for her very first taste of ramen.

After ramen, we made a few stops, including Costco.
She insisted on helping push the cart.

And Walmart.
She noticed herself on the security camera when we walked into the store.

Jason took her to look at toys while I picked up a few things I needed and she wanted all of the babies.
She'd give them to Jason to carry and he'd put them right back on the shelf.

Eventually, she caught on to his trick and tried to carry them all herself.

She found a huge puddle in the parking lot at Walmart that she wanted to run through so we let her do that for a bit.

Is there anything more fun than running through a giant puddle?

After we finished up shopping, we went to the Spruce Grove splash park.
It had kind of a funhouse mirror at the entrance.

It's a pretty nice splash park.

She ran through and got a little wet.
Then she noticed that there was a playground there too and she preferred to play there.
We didn't get to play long though because it started pouring.
We thought we could wait it out but it started thundering and lightning too so we had to go.

We hit the road for home.
She kept asking to go back to the hotel - she really liked it.
So our weekend in the city with her was a success and I'm sure we'll be doing it again soon.

Just doing some singing in the car.

When we got home, Kody came by to pick her up and Jason made a fire so we all sat out there and enjoyed it for a bit.
We got the lights turned on too - it's the first time we've had them on this summer.
I just love it when they are on but it gets dark out so late that we rarely are outdoors when it would make sense to turn them on.

My handsome honey.

We roasted marshmallows.

Got sticky fingers.

Selfie with Grandma - Freya tried out the duck lips look.

Grandma gave it a try too - not my best look.

Smores were had!

Kody had to work early in the morning and Haylee started a new job at the bar and was going to be working late so he ended up leaving Freya with us again for another night and we were thrilled to have her.
She really brings us so much joy!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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