Monday, 5 July 2021

Affirmations (July 2, 2021)

I was supposed to be taking the day off today since I'd worked yesterday.

Mom and I were going to head to the city but I took her with me to Slave Lake last night and she got everything she needed so I decided I didn't really feel like driving into the city.

Since I didn't really have any other plans, I ended up working all day instead.
I had a few things that I've been procrastinating on and I decided to just get them done and out of the way.

It was a gorgeous day out there and I did decide to head out for a run just after lunch.

I did my regular route since it's been awhile.
I really wanted to get at least 8k in and I did.

It was hot out there so it was tough and my splits weren't the greatest but still felt good to get it done.
I remembered to do some stretches when I got home.

I also took a few sweatie selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

One of the only things I hate about summer - bug bites.
This one was an itchy bugger.
I cooked up chicken in the slow cooker today then made green & yellow string beans and a salad to go along with it.
It was yummy!

I used to be really into affirmations and a few popped up on my Facebook feed that resonated with me.
Like this one.

And this one.
I'm a big believer in affirmations and I kind of stopped using them but I am going to start again.

This meme made me laugh because it's so true.
I've driven across Canada a few times now and it takes two and a half days of straight driving (60 hours) to get from here (Alberta) to PEI - most of that feels like its in Ontario.
It honestly feels like Ontario is never going to end.

I saw this on Facebook too - book benches.
Aren't they neat?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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