Friday 30 July 2021

Wake Up Call Weigh In (July 26, 2021)

Today was weigh in day.

I knew it was going to bad but I wasn't expecting it to be quite this bad. 

I weighed in at 185 lbs.

That's a gain of 5.4 lbs since last week.

I know it's partially due to travelling but I just haven't been tracking and it's really easy to over eat when you don't track (for me anyway).

I think I'm doing ok but then I have all these little things that I forget about and it adds up quickly.

This week I'm really going to work on tracking.

Since I didn't get out for a run at all yesterday, I wanted to get in a good one today.
I headed out on my lunch and I did 10.5 km.

My exercise details.

My splits.

Took a couple selfies when I got home.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

Jason went out for a 22k run today. 
Kudos to him!

He made smoothies when he got home and Freya arrived just in time.
Kody and Haylee were going to WCT so they dropped her off.
She was going to spend the night too!

Hunter came over too as Adrien and Mel were heading into the city to pick up his big truck.

When I finished work, we hooked the trailer up to the bike and headed out for a bike ride.

Hunter loves riding his bike.
He didn't have his helmet with him so I let him use mine and it actually fit him not too bad.

We stopped at the store for ice cream.

Hunter got his usual, 1 scoop of Cotton Candy (one scoop at this place is actually 3 scoops).

Freya had an ice cream sandwich.

Then it was off to the park.

There were a bunch of kids playing there.

We stayed for a bit but one of the boys there was kind of being mean to Hunter which annoyed me.
So we kept moving around to different sections of the park but he kept following us so eventually we just left.

It was getting late anyway.

Adrien and Mel were just pulling into the driveway as we got home so it was perfect timing.

Freya had a bath when we got home and she was in there singing the Doughnut Song.
I learned this song when I was 9 years old in Brownies and have been singing it for all the kids ever since.
They all love it too.

I was really tired and had to work in the morning so I snuck off to bed and left Jason and Freya up and playing.
They weren't too far behind me though.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Science Center, Italian Market and Moose Sighting (July 25, 2021)

 Jason headed out for a run and I stayed in the room with Freya.

While he was gone, Zepplyn came and asked if we wanted to go swimming so Freya and I joined her and Crystal at the pool.

Afterwards, Zepplyn came over to our room to visit and she noticed Jason outside doing some stretching.

So the girls stood there and watched him until he was done.

Heading back to the room after his workout.

We all gathered together and decided to go to the Telus Science Center today.
We could only book tickets for 3:15 so we had some time to kill before that.
We all kind of split up and went shopping and planned to meet at a splash park nearby.

Jason and I went to Homesense/Winners and looked at shoes.
We each got a new pair of runners.
On the hunt for the perfect pair - maybe today's find will be it?

The kids weren't really into the splash park but they did want to check out the play park.

They had this cool merry go round with ropes all around it.
Zepplyn giving her sissy a push.

Jason gave Freya and Zepplyn a push.
Freya decided to let go of the ropes near the end and it was a bit scary trying to get it stopped really fast so that she wouldn't fall off.

We spent about a half hour at the park then headed over to the Science Center.

They are doing a bunch of construction there so you had to walk all the way around to the other side to a temporary entrance.

Jason and I actually have been to this dinosaur exhibit before.

It was nice to check it out with the kids though.

Heading in.

Freya wanted Papa to carry her.

There was a big dinosaur head that the kids could climb into.

There's Freya!

Zepplyn climbed up in there too.

Butting heads.

She was just itching to climb over the ropes and touch these guys.

These velociraptors have fur and feathers, seems kind of wrong to me?

Checking out the T-Rex next, he's a pretty big guy.

Look at all the spines on this guys back.
I don't know why all dinosaurs are 'guys' to me, they just are!

She was enjoying seeing all the dinosaurs.

We got through it kind of quickly - there wasn't much to it in my opinion but it at least the girls enjoyed themselves!

After the science center, we stopped at the Italian Market, I wanted to get a Focaccia Sandwich for Morgan.
They didn't have any but we all went in and had a look around.

We got gelato's too.

Freya pretty much ate all of hers.
I don't think I've ever seen her eat a whole ice cream.

On the way home, we saw a couple of moose on the side of the road.

They started running as we were approaching.

Then they just stopped and stood there for the longest time, like they were as curious about us as we were about them.

I don't know if I've ever had this long of a look at a moose, normally they run.

Something did spook one of them and he took off into the woods.

But the other fellow just continued to stand there.

It clicked in after a few minutes to actually take a video of him, glad he stuck around.
The other young fellow was sticking around in the woods close to his buddy, but he didn't come back out.
We finally left them after a good long lookie loo and headed home.

Over on the other side of the country, in NS, my sister took my mom and the boys to Digby for the weekend.

They went on a whale watching tour.

They were even lucky enough to see a few.

Even if they hadn't, I think they still would have enjoyed just the boat ride itself.

My sissy and her boys.

Not sure if they fell asleep or if they are just messing around.

I think they were just fooling around.

The little goofballs.
My sister said they really had a good weekend.

On their way home, they stopped to check out the property that we bought last year.

She wasn't exactly sure which spot was ours but said that the lake looked really nice.

Crystal posted some pictures on Facebook of our trip to the city that I thought I would share.

Freya on the pony.

Going in to check out the teepee.

Another of her on the pony.

Zepplyn petting one of the piggies.

Chasing the turkeys.

Mermaid & Hercules.

Randy in the silly mirror.

Nice long legs girls!

On the carousel.

Ad with the Ox.

I was a great weekend.
Freya just loves staying at the Hotel so I think we'll likely be doing that with her lots.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!