Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Weigh In Day (Apr.26, 2021)

 It's Monday and that means weigh in day (even though I just weighed in on Friday).

That's exactly the same as I was on Friday so no change since then but overall, 2 lbs down since last Monday so I think that's pretty great.

I got ready at lunch and headed out for a run.
I did Jason's route down the highway and around back to town - added a bit extra on because I was feeling good.
I still have to stop to walk at two uphill sections but I know if I keep trying, I'll be able to do the whole thing without stopping.

Took my selfies when I got back.
Front view.

Side View

Back View.
I really need to clean that mirror again.

It was nice enough out for Haylee to take Freya over to the park this afternoon and she posted these pictures of their outing.

Freya just loves getting out to the park.

Later in the day, they dropped her off to me so they could take a quick trip to WCT.
Which was fine with me because I love getting to hang out with her.

She just loves that bubba of hers.

She drinks so much that we've started just giving her mainly water with enough milk to make it look white.

She loves her YouTube too.

She has a little sentimental side.
I've noticed that last few times here that when she's watched videos that are sad she gets a little choked up.
She gets that honestly for sure.

Jason was hoping to see her when he got home but he ended up working late so she had already gone home when he finally did get home.

He headed out for a bike ride and he was gone so long that I started to get worried.
He ended up doing 25k.
One of these days, I'll go out and do it with him.
He's just so much faster than I that I feel like I'm holding him back.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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