Friday 9 April 2021

Until Next Time Jasper (April 4, 2021)

 Well it's our last day in Jasper, it's been a fun trip - I kind of wish we could stay longer.

Little miss just loved climbing up in the window and sitting there.

This is her 'I'm so proud of myself face"!

These are the cards Zepplyn made Jason and I for Easter.
She gave them to us yesterday but I forgot to take a picture of them.

So cute - the top one is mine and the bottom one was for Jason.
She's so creative.

We got ready to go for a run then took Freya to her mom & dad's room.
She was excited to find that the Easter Bunny had been there.

Let the Easter festivities begin!

She was just running all over, sometimes dropping the eggs then being just as excited to pick the same one up again.

She found a whole bag full of goodies on the desk (she just loves climbing).

There were eggs on the window sill.

And all over the floor - I'm sure as she gets older the Easter Bunny will find harder hiding places for her but at this age, this was just perfect.

She opened each egg as she got it.

It was so much fun watching her.
I got a few videos too.

And the egg hunt is on.

Eggs, eggs and more eggs.

So excited that the 'Easters Bunny' was here.
After she finished her hunting, Jason and I headed out to go for a run.

It was quite a nice day out there.

You could see all the tops of the mountains.

 and the sun was even shining.

Ready to get our sweat on.

I'm going to miss these views.

So gorgeous, the white mountain top against the blue sky.
We went our regular way on the trail and we split up.
It's an out and back and Jason is a bit faster than me so I've been meeting him near the end of the trail when he is on his way back.
I met him much sooner this time and I thought maybe I was extra slow today or he was extra fast.

Turns out that he didn't make it to the end because he came across this guy.
Needless to say I didn't continue on the trail either, I turned back too and followed Jason back.

I've just loved jogging here in the mornings.

I wasn't able to jog for the whole of our runs, but I'd say I probably jogged about 85% of it and walked the rest.
And we did an hour each morning so I'm really proud of that.

When we got back, everyone else had already checked out and they were in the parking lot saying good bye to Lloyd and Rita.

The Easter Bunny brought Zepplyn this cute rainbow colored owl.

Always looking for puddles.
They were going for breakfast before heading home so we said we'd join them.

They went to a place called LouLous and we met them there.

We had to sit at a separate table but that's ok.
We shared a couple breakfast sandwiches and they were pretty tasty.

We saw those guys off then decided to get out bikes out and head out for a bike ride before leaving.

We went down the same magic trail as yesterday.
We thought we'd go right to the end this time but even though we went much further than yesterday, we never did make it to the 'end'.
There were a few mucky sections but we managed.
It was a really nice bike ride.

We had passed by a taco place yesterday that we thought we'd try out before leaving but turns out they are only open on Friday and Saturday nights.

So instead we went to Spice - a Jamaican sandwich place.

We shared a jerk sandwich.
It was heavy on the spicy but really tasty - the bread was fabulous.
They were all out of their meat pies but people kept coming in asking for them so they must be good.
Will have to make a note to come back and try them.

We washed our sandwich down with a Ginger Beer that we shared.
I love Ginger Beer and Root Beer - I don't have it all the time but it sure is nice for a treat.

Then we went back to the car, loaded up the bikes and headed out.

Just some last shots of the mountains.

The mountains are just so beautiful.

Always see lots of wildlife here in the park.

The blues and greens of the water here is just gorgeous.

The mountain goats caused a bit of a traffic pile up.

We stopped at Walmart in Edson to get a few things then decided to just tour around the town a bit.

Don't think I've ever seen anyone decorate this much for Easter before.

This house went all out too.
Love it.

We went to Tim Horton's and got a turkey club sandwich which we shared before getting back on the road.

It was such a gorgeous day out there that we decided to stop in Whitecourt and take our bikes for a ride.

We parked at Rotary Park then just drove around town.

It was such a nice evening, I'm so glad we stopped.

These deer were grazing in rotary park and weren't one bit shook with us being right next to them.
They just kept right on eating while Jason was taking pictures.

Country state of mind on the last leg of our trip.
I forgot how much I liked this song.

When we got back to town, everything was covered in about 6 inches of snow.
I'm so glad we stopped in Whitecourt for a bike ride.
At first we figured we'd just do that when we got home but there was so much snow we wouldn't have been able to.

Freya wanted to come and spend the night with us.
She passed out pretty much as soon as she got there though.

She's such a little darling.

Haylee posted some pictures of our Jasper trip on Facebook so I thought I would share them here.

Shopping in Jasper.

Aww, hard to believe this is an Auntie and her niece.

The Easter Bunny brought rabbit ears for everyone.

Kody and Haylee.

Haylee and Freya.


Their little family.

Walking the trails.

I love Freya's hat with the two pom poms.

They just loved getting pictures with the bear.

Athabasca Falls.

Cheering squad.
Mom picked up this little outfit for Zepplyn for Easter.
Looks like she liked it!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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