Wednesday 7 April 2021

Jasper Trip - Maligne Canyon (April 2, 2021)

We had a pretty good sleep last night even though we were all crowded in a double bed.

It was cozy!

Freya and I checking out the view from our hotel room.

Not a bad view at all!
I love looking at the mountains - they are all around in Jasper so I don't think any rom would have a bad view.

We got ready to head out for a run and took Freya down to mom and dad.
She is a 'big girl' now so didn't want any help going down the stairs.

She took Jason on a bit of an adventure through the hotel and stopped to say hi to the cleaning crews.
They thought she was pretty cute (I agree).

The rest of our party had rooms right beside each other and they had balconies.
There was a pigeon with one egg in her nest on Kody and Haylee's balcony - kind of cool.

Ready to run.

Pretty Canadian picture right there - CN, wilderness and Canadian Geese.

We had a pretty good run - I was able to run most of it - we went on some trails then back through town a bit.
I stepped in a very misleading puddle - I was covered in snow and so I didn't realize there was a puddle underneath.

When we got back, we made eggs for breakfast in our room then we headed to Maligne Canyon to meet everyone - they left a bit ahead of us.

Rita and Lloyd decided it was too icy to go down for the hike so they had Freya in their vehicle with them.
Crystal and Zepplyn had gone on ahead but Kody and Haylee waited for Jason and I.

Pretty cool views.

That's a long way down!

Ready for a hike.

Jason and I were ready too.

It turned out that the trail was too icy for me too.
I only had my Sketcher flats on and they have no grips at all.

The trail was sheer ice, I would have had to hold onto the railing the whole way down and I just didn't want to do that.

Plus - I was trying to imagine how in the heck I would get back up afterwards.
I told those guys to go on without me.

So they did.
Jason went with Kody and Haylee and they went for a pretty good hike.

I did see two people wipe out and fall on the ice the way Jason and them had gone while I was deciding what to do.

I wanted to hike to and I realized that a lot of people were coming back on the other side which didn't seem to be as icy so I thought maybe I could go down that way and meet those guys somewhere along the way.

We stopped at a store this morning and I picked up this new hat - It was expensive but I quite like it.

Some of the falls were frozen and it looked so cool.

I bet it's really pretty in the summertime.

I made it as far as the 4th bridge but then it just got really icy again so I couldn't go any further.
I called Kody to see where they were thinking maybe I could wait there for them but he had no idea.
So I decided to head back.

I went off the trail in some sections to avoid the ice and much puddles and at one point I heard this noise that kind of frightened me at first because I figured it was an animal of some sort but I wasn't sure what.

I looked around to see where it was coming from and turned out it was this busy little bird.
I stopped to watch it for a bit and take a picture and then when I put my phone back in my pocket, I realized my Visa was gone.
So I backtracked looking for it thinking that I must have dropped it when I took my phone out to call Kody.

I didn't find it but I did find this guy!
Turned out they did come the way that I had went so I got to hike back the rest of the way with them.

As soon as we got back to the vehicle I called to cancel my Visa.
I can't believe I did that.

Rita and Lloyd had gone on back to the hotel and she was blowing bubbles for Freya on the balcony when we got back to the hotel.

Freya thought that was great - she loves 'catching and breaking' them - I mean, what kid doesn't?

Freya joined in the fun when we got back.
She and Freya wanted to come visit with us in our room for a bit so we let them while Kody, Haylee and Crystal went and did some shopping.

She and Freya wanted to come visit with us in our room for a bit so we let them while Kody, Haylee and Crystal went and did some shopping.

When they got back, we all got ready and headed out to look for a place to have some supper.
Most of the places were super busy and had long waits to get in.

We ended up going to this restaurant called Something Else.
We were able to get right in.

Due to Covid restrictions the most allowed at a table in a restaurant is 6 so we had to sit at separate tables.
I had made reservations for 8:45 at another restaurant for Jason and I so we just shared a greek salad and a chicken skewer.

Freya wanted to come back to our room for a bit so we let her.

Trying to stop me from seeing.

We had a cuddle fest.

Making silly faces.

Then we had to drop her back off to Mommy and Daddy so we could head to our dinner reservation.

Our reservations were at Raven Bistro.
We picked it because we both really wanted a hamburger and it was listed on Google as having one of the best burgers in town.
Imagine our surprise when we looked at the menu and there was no burgers!

It was a bit disappointing to not be able to get a hamburger but I had this kale salad that had orange slices, deep fried chick peas, beat slices and a gorgeous piece of salmon up on top.
It was absolutely delicious.

Jason had this seafood dish in a kafir lime, tomato broth.
It was pretty good too.

It was nice to be in a new place again having a meal - felt like old times when we could travel and explore.

It's strange to look at pictures of myself and feel that I look small.
If I'm just looking in the mirror, I still feel big sometimes.

It was a wonderful meal and we both really enjoyed it.
We had a look at the menu on the outside on our way out and saw that they do have a lamb burger on their lunch menu.

So I guess google didn't lie after all.

Crystal posted some pictures of the trip so far I thought I would share.

A great shot of the mountains.

Freya and her cute little hat with some elk on the tracks behind her.

Freya and Mommy.

Freya and Zepplyn making friends with the bear at Jasper Pizza Place.


Haylee at Maligne Canyon today.

Crystal and Zepplyn at Maligne Canyon today.

Freya enjoying one of her favorites, chicken wings.

Came across a new pizza place in Edmonton on Instagram today - will have to make a point to try it out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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