Thursday 22 April 2021

Weigh In Day (Apr.19, 2021)

Weigh in day. 

I was 186.8 lbs today - exactly the same as last week.

No change and that's ok - we were travelling yesterday and I normally am up a bit after a day of travelling so this is good.
We did have treats on the weekend but we didn't go overboard and we were very active so I'm feeling good.
I know I'll be down next week.

Made myself a yummy breakfast plate.
Note what is in the center - blueberries!
I'm loving them.

Jason was getting the bike trailer out at lunch time so we could walk down and pick up Freya (she wanted to come for a visit), and he had my bike out so I thought I would take a picture my new fenders.

Got a sweet new bell too!
A lot of trails that are shared between walkers and bikers require them.

I got a princess one and Jason got a Spiderman one.

We walked up to pick up Freya, she was playing in the backyard with Kody.

He was raking and she was pointing out all the doggie do.

We got her all set up in the trailer then headed up the hill.

She really likes it in there.

I went back to work and she and Jason played outdoors.

After work - I headed out for a jog.
I did Jason's route and was actually able to run a good portion of it which felt nice.

Freya ended up spending the night with us and Jason is back to work tomorrow so it was an early night for us.

I don't really feel this way, I just thought it was funny.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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