Friday 29 September 2017

Orange Things for Supper!

I had to be at the office early this morning to do some more training so breakfast was a couple of hard boiled eggs that I picked up at the store this morning.
When we were shopping on the weekend I was trying to think of some of the things I was eating when I was successfully following weigh watchers last time.....

and I remembered these!
They are a cranberry muesli crunch rye bread and I really like them.
They are more points than I remember (5 for 2 slices) but still good.

This was another helpful item to have on hand.
One wedge is only one point and I was a pro at covering 2 slices of the bread with 1 wedge.
It has just enough of a kick for me.

I then add a slice of turkey or chicken which is only 1 point for 4 slices so it goes really far.

Maybe not the prettiest but tasty and filling.
This was my lunch today.

I also had some dill pickles and olives on the side.
This came to only 2 points so it was a great lunch for only 8 points.
I had to run to the hardware store and grab batteries for the scale at work seeing as we are in the midst of a weigh loss competition.
Then I also had to run to vehicle registries to renew the truck and the car.
It runs out on Saturday.
I always wait until the last minute to do it every year!
I am trying to get our fridge cleaned out before we go away so I took a bunch of stuff I had in there to work with me to munch on this afternoon.
Carrots, turnip, orange peppers and radishes.
I ate about half of this bowl and I will bring the rest back with me tomorrow.
0 points and I snacked all afternoon, can't beat those numbers!
My SIL was dropping the kiddos off again today after work.
I didn't want to leave early again though so the plan was for her to leave them with mom for 10 minutes until I got home.
There was a miscommunication about that though so she ended up taking them to work with her and I picked them up there.
Once I had them, we went to the store and I let them pick out what they wanted me to make them for supper.
Minion shaped Kraft Dinner it is!
I hadn't even finished making it when my brother arrived home.
I told him to stay and let them eat anyway so they did.

The KD was a hit.
I only thing I've ever not had to coax him into eating is candy.

Miss A liked hers too.
Miss A had a card in the mail today from Pepe (my dad).
He missed her birthday so he sent a card and a Mastercard Gift Card which she was pretty pumped about.

The kiddos picked out these at the store too.

Still the best face maker around!

Everyone joined in on the cookie action!

Not hard to tell someone has been eating cookies with bright orange icing.

She wanted me to take a picture of her messy face as well.
After they left, mom went out to the golf course with Ms DM for the Burger Love special and  I got to work putting laundry away, packing, cleaning out the fridge, putting the new stickers on the truck, cleaning it out, doing dishes, catching up on blogging and just generally preparing to be away from home for a week.
After that I had a nice relaxing bath.
I could never live in a house that didn't have a bath tub!
When My Honey got home, we made bacon & omelets for supper.
His parents gave us 4 dozen eggs that we really need to use up.
I am still doing great on the tracking - proud of me.
I enjoy breakfast for supper every now & then.
He got busy packing after supper as we will be heading to the city as soon as he gets off work tomorrow.  I will have a couple hours after work to finish up tomorrow.
While he was packing, I started watching the season premiere of Greys Anatomy.
I probably would have waited had I realized it was 2 hours long but once I was in, there was no stopping until it was done.
There aren't many prime time shows that I watch faithfully but this is one of them.
The episode tonight was soooo good too.
After that I hit the hay.
Vacation time is almost here and I am getting excited!
That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

Kiddos for the Evening

Started my day off with a bowl of deliciousness, All Bran cereal, bananas & strawberries!
Yum Yum!

It was a busy day at work.
I started early to train a couple of the guys on our new timesheet program that is starting up soon.
Then I worked through lunch to train a few more of them.
Our wonderful boss Mr.BL bought subs from Subway for us for lunch.
I forgot to take my phone to the meeting with me so no picture but they were super good.
I used to go to Subway frequently but haven't been in a long, long time because the quality seemed to going down but not the case today.

I did take a few minutes today to post our Burger Love Special for tomorrow.
My Honey sent me one of his little write ups that he is so good at, here it is:
Finally! Halifax's favorite drunk food meets a glorified sandwich made famous by a creepy spokes-clown. The Donair Burger has slow roasted Donair meat, sliced & grilled on top of an all beef patty with chopped tomato, onion and lettuce and your choice of delicious garlic dill sauce or the appalling, unholy sweet sauce (my personal favorite )! Come out and try this abomination today!

As you can tell, he is team garlic dill sauce and I am team sweet sauce.
I think the sweet sauce is more of an East Coast thing which is where I would have picked it up.
I have always been a big lover of sweet & savory being mashed together.
He made a homemade garlic dill sauce that was divine though.
I could have had either and been perfectly happy!

I then left work a little early and raced home so I could watch the kiddos for a bit.
SIL had to go to work and my brother was already at work but expecting to be home late.

I cooked up some of that awesome corn we picked up on the weekend and Mr.H actually ate some.

I think he was quite intrigued by the corn holders.

They are little energizer bunnies.
I am not really sure where I got them from but I have had them for years.

Miss A was happy to have nice soft bread with her supper.
She is a bread fiend that one!

Everyone looks so sad but really I just caught them off guard.
They were busy eating.

Supper for me.
Still trying to eat up the left over macaroni from the other day.
This corn was so good that I didn't even bother with butter, salt & pepper.

She was thrilled to have strawberries and whipped cream for dessert.

He was only thrilled about the whipped cream!
I think he ate most of his bowl in one bite!

You know it's good when you have to lick the bowl.

He was watching in the window for My Honey to come home.
He was pouting a little here because he still didn't see him.

I lured him with an ipad game to cuddle with me on the couch.
Paddington wanted in too!

Paddington was watching the screen just as intently as Mr. H.

Paddington would cuddle into him and he would go "Awww" and hug him.
It was just darling.

Then My Honey got home and everything became about him.
I love how the kids love him so much.

and this could possibly have something to do with it.
He picked up toy bow & arrows for them last time he was in the city.
The bow was dropped almost immediately but he had a lot of fun licking he suction cups on the arrows and sticking them to the end table.

I mashed up some strawberries, added some fat free french vanilla coffee cream and called it dessert.
Really great combo, by the way!

I am still really sticking to the Weight Watchers plan and tracking what I am eating.
Proud of myself, that is 3 days now.

The kiddos were here until after 9 pm so I didn't accomplish too much else but it doesn't matter.
I am always happy to have a chance to spend time with them, the other stuff that needs doing can wait.

We headed to bed not much later.

Until next time, be happy!

Thursday 28 September 2017

One Last Men's Night

I have noticed moths or butterflies (not sure which) on the ground in front of the office doors quite a few times this year.
Once there were five of them laying there on the ground.
I am not sure why.
I saw it again this morning, there were only two of them but again they were just lying there in front of the office doors.
It's weird, I dont' know why they are there?

I ate lunch at my desk since I had to leave a little early today for men's night.
The hamburger macaroni was ok, I'll be glad when it's all eaten up.

My Honey is out at the golf course cooking away.
He made Tres Leches cake for dessert - sent me this picture as it was coming out of the oven.

Then he sent me another after he soaked it with the milk mixture.
I don't know how I am going to stay away from it tonight because I love it so much but I am determined not to have a piece.

My Honey made me the usual salad with pork sausage on top for supper and we shared.
It was our last men's night of the season as the golf club will be closing this Sunday.
It's bittersweet.
I like being out there for men's night and I've enjoyed different aspects of it like coming up with the Burger Love Specials but it will be nice for My Honey to have some time off.
It was a really great learning experience and I think we have figured out that we would like to cook food & sell it someday but we aren't sure in what capacity.
I think a full time restaurant would be too much so maybe a food truck or something seasonal.
It won't be happening until far down the road so we have lots of time to consider it.
A couple memories from a trip to PEI in 2009.

This is me and two of my cousins daughters, Miss M & Miss S.
These girls are so little here, they are all grown up now, Miss S has definitely passed me in height.
They have both grown into beauties and nice young ladies as well.

My cousin Ms JW & I having a time!
I had rented a cottage and a bunch of cousins came over to play games.
We had such an awesome time that night.
I love my family and I love when we get together!
Anyway, that is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Weigh In Day

Today was weigh in day.
263.4 lbs
Not good.
But that's ok because I am feeling determined.
As I said yesterday - I am committing to following the Weight Watchers program to a tee this week and then getting right back at it when I get back from vacation.
Still feeling in the zone today so that's good.
I picked up this new oatmeal I saw for breakfasts since I usually eat once I get to work & instant oatmeal is quick and easy.
I often have two packets and was going to today but changed my mind last minute and only had one thinking I would save some points for something else.
I had no idea how many weight watcher points a packet would be but when I punched it in the WW calculator I was so thankful I opted for one packet.
8 pts!!!
That is a lot of points for one little packet of oatmeal.
If I'd had two of them I would have used over half of my daily points just for breakfast.
I won't be getting this again - it tasted good but not 8 points good!

I stopped at a local restaurant and bought a side of donair sauce so we could try out the donair burger at lunch time.
I have a recipe to make it but it makes a lot and it doesn't last so I didn't want to waste it.
I will make it myself for Thursday though.
I went out to the golf course and My Honey made one up for us to try.
He had half then AW and I split the other half.
AW works at the kitchen for us - she said this was her favorite burger thus far.
I think it's going to be a hit.

I also had My Honey make me a salad with half of his homemade pork sausage on top.
It is very lean so it is a great way for me to get in some protein.

After work I cooked up some whole wheat pasta and added some of the meat sauce I had cooked up yesterday.
It was pretty tasty and I made lots so I'll have some to go in the freezer to pull out and have at a later date.

I had a massage booked at 6pm so after I ate I scrambled up there.
She was running late then we were chatting and catching up so by the time I left there it was 8pm.
I love getting a massage.
I dont' have any particular issue that needs to be worked on but it just feels good - my favorite part is when she massages my head at the end.
I could just have that done for the whole time and leave perfectly happy & content.
When I got home we watched an episode of GoT then I watched tonights episode of Counting On.
I did very well at following WW today - tracked all my points and I am still feeling like I got this.
Each day under my belt makes the next day that much easier I find!
That's all for today - until next time, be happy!

Monday 25 September 2017

New Orleans Research & Pizza

This was the first weekend in a very long time that neither My Honey nor I had to work or had plans and were home and able to sleep in together.
So we took advantage and slept in rather late.

When we finally did get up, we made coffees then googled You Tube videos of New Orleans.
Things to do and places to eat mainly.
We took lots of notes and it got me even more excited for our upcoming trip.

We leave this coming Saturday and I think we are going to love New Orleans.

My Honey cooked up some of that delicious corn we picked up yesterday for lunch.
I had one ear with butter, salt and pepper but it didn't really even need it.
My second piece I didn't even bother and just ate it as it.
It tasted just as yummy today as it did yesterday.

We spent the day cleaning, organizing, doing laundry and I played catch up with My blog.
It's been a couple days since I had time to sit down and work on it so I was happy to be able to dedicate some time to it today.

My Honey fired up the pizza oven tonight and pizza number one is ready to go in!

I could barely wait for it to rest - it smelled so good I just wanted it in my belly.

Mom picked up this pair for us yesterday at HomeSense.
My Honey really likes them - they are very Halloween-y!

I picked up this kitty to add to my little collection of friends.
It is meant for Halloween but I think I can get away with leaving it out all year round.

Mom also picked this up for my son & his honey at HomeSense.
I thought she might like it.

We stopped down to the store earlier today and I picked up some spinach dip & a loaf of bread - it's not something I normally have but I was craving it for some reason.
It only took a few bites to satisfy that craving then I didn't want anymore.

I was more interested in the pizza fresh from the oven and had two more slices.

We made some donair meat for the Burger Love special coming up this week.
My Auntie A sent me the recipe for it last Christmas and we made donair fingers for the first time.
It is a great recipe and tastes just like the Halifax style donair meat that I am used to.

My Honey made a pizza with fig and blue cheese so I had to try a slice of it as well.
It was really good - the fig was much sweeter than I was expecting.

I called them to let them know that mom had a little gift for them so they stopped by for it and joined us for some pizza.

Still pumping out pizzas!
I think he made 8 in total so lunches are taken care of for the next few days.

We bought this cat perch for Professor Snuggles and he never sits in the top perch but Paddington seems to like it.

I looked over later and Paddington was in one of the cubby holes.
The Professor has never gotten into one of them so I was happy to see that this cat tree is actually being used!

My cousin SS in Calgary posted this old family photo today.

This is my fathers side of the family and probably the only picture ever with all of us in it.
My meme (grandmother) and one of my Auntie's in this picture passed away years ago and we aren't as close as my mom's side of the family is.
I do wish I'd had more time with my meme.
I wish it wasn't so - I love all of them and wish we were closer but we follow each other and keep in touch through Facebook so at least that's something!

I am the one in the front with the pink dress making some kind of silly face. 
It is a fun picture and to think all the children in this picture are grown now and most of us have children of our own now!

I have decided that even though we are heading out on vacation next Saturday, I am going to follow the Weight Watchers plan to a tee all of this week.
I won't lie and say that I will follow it while on vacation but I do plan on being active and I will get right back on track the day I get back.

I am feeling like I can conquer this thing and it's time to get the train back on the tracks.

Until next time, be happy!