Sunday 11 June 2017

Stationary Sunday

Today was a pretty low key day.  Had nothing on the agenda so mom & I just hung out and watched some tv.

I made us omelets for breakfast - they didn't look the greatest but they tasted good.
Then we decided to watch a movie and we picked Queen of Katwe.

I've been wanting to watch this one for awhile now so finally watched it today.
Mom & I both enjoyed it.

While we were watching, two young boys came to the door and asked if I wanted them to clean up the edging of the lawn for 10.00 so I said sure.
I've been wanting to dig up a bed by the garage so mom could plant some flowers so I went out and offered them 20.00 each if they would dig that up for me instead and they were game.
They got to work but then about 15 minutes in, they knocked on the door and told me it was all rocks and too hard to dig up (which I think My Honey had mentioned to me before) so I told them not to worry about it and just go ahead and do the front.
It took them a little over an hour but they did a great job so I gave them each 20.00 anyway and I think they were thrilled with that.

It was quite a job for the two little fellows hauling all this but they did it.
I hope they come back - I will find them something else to do for sure.

The neighbour cat came to inspect the work too, marching down the sidewalk like he owns the place!
I posted a picture of the next specialty burger we are going to have out at the golf course this Thursday.
My Honey & I came up with the name together and I think it's awesome

It's a hamburger with shoe string onion rings, relish, ketchup & burger sauce between two grilled cheese sandwiches.  We are going to add a dill pickle fritter as a garnish as well.
Hope we sell a couple - I enjoy thinking these creations up, it's a lot of fun!

Later in the afternoon, I was looking for something else to watch.
I wanted to save This is Us to watch with My Honey so I figured I would give this one a try.

Big Little Lies
I watched two episodes and I think I am hooked!

It was cold out so it felt like a soup day today.
I went to the store for a few ingredients then I got to work.

I thought I had picked up crushed tomatoes and stewed tomatoes but it turned out to be two cans of crushed tomatoes and I had both opened before I noticed so I just went with it.
I added lots of lentils and quinoa.

It tasted good but as has been the case lately, it ended up looking more like chilli than soup.

Watched a couple episodes of This is Us with My Honey when he got home from work tonight.
I spent a lot of time today sitting on the couch watching tv!

So I don't know how my weigh in will turn out tomorrow.
I am hoping for a loss but will be happy if there is at least no gain.

I was very stationary this weekend and I put a very big dent in this bag this week.

I grabbed handfuls of these guys way too often this week.
No sense beating myself up about it though, I will do better this week.

I know this journey will have ups and downs and even sideways but I am determined.  If I fall off the path, I will just get right back on or make a new one.

I believe in myself, I can and I will!

Until next time, be happy!

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