Wednesday 20 April 2022

The Easter Bunny Came and Happy Birthday to Me! (April 17, 2022)

 When we took Freya to bed last night, I had every intention of just laying there until she fell asleep then getting up to 'let the Easter Bunny in' however, I ended up falling asleep myself.

Luckily, I woke up around 1:30 am and remembered that I needed to get up and do that so I did.

That Easter Bunny was busy hiding treats every where for Freya to find.

She's still pretty little so he had to be careful to hide them in places that she could easily find.

He left her a few treats on the table too.

We all had a pretty good sleep in this morning - guess we were all tired.
When I did wake up, I called Kody right away to come over so he could be there when she got up (Haylee is in Banff with her mom celebrating her mom's 40th birthday).

Kody came over right away so he was there when Freya woke up to find what the Easter Bunny had left for her.

Easter egg hunting.

She loved searching for the eggs but was ready for a break.
She has a bit of a cough that is just lingering on.

She just loves her Papa.

Now she's making silly faces.

When she is in the mood, she just loves to ham it up for the camera.
When she's not in the mood, I can't even get her to look at the camera.

Mom and I got Easter bags ready for the rest of the family.
They are all coming over later for my birthday supper.

Jason got the new tv put up in the basement - it's in a perfect spot for watching on the treadmill and it is on a swivel stand so we can turn and watch it when lifting weights too.

I had to run 4 miles or 7 k today.
It was miserable out again so thank goodness for my handy dandy treadmill on days like these.
I watched The Running Channel while I ran and it helped make the time go by.

Sweaty selfie.

Marathon training check in video.

My niece Morgan made one of her smash bunnies for a friend of hers - they are so dang cute!

Alivia posted this silly picture of Hunter on Snapchat.

After my workout, I got busy working on supper.
I made a big pot of clam & lobster corn chowder.

I also made ham and cheese buns - these were a hit.

Jason had brined a brisket all week long and he made it into pastrami.

He also made, at my request, biscuits with a glaze and sprinkles on them to have with strawberries and whipped cream, one of my very favorite desserts!

I think I always want them with glaze and sprinkles now - they were so yummy!

Then the family all started showing up - Alivia.
She looks very 'artsy' in her tie dye overalls.

Hunter and Freya.

Mel, Morgan, Adrien, Mom, Rob and Randy.
Since I knew Crystal was away, I invited Randy to join us.

My boy, he's been working on losing a few pounds lately and he's looking really good.

Happy birthday to Grandma.

I got so spoiled!
Jason had a bunch more presents for me which the kids helped me open.

Mom got me the kleenex and paper towels and stuff then Jason had let Freya pick out a bunch of stuff for me when they went shopping last week so there were brushes, a razor, trail mix, a light ring, shampoo, lotion, kt tape, all kinds of stuff.

Mom got me toilet paper too, ha ha.
My brother Rob gave me money and scratch tickets and then Adrien and Mel gave me an Amazon gift card.

Jason called my sister and she sent him some pictures of her and the boys and he printed them off and framed them for me.

Their hair has gotten so long!
My nephew Ethan totally reminds me of Steve from Stranger Things in this picture.
I think it's the hair!

Alivia made me a card.

On the inside was this picture she'd drawn of Freya and I.
I think she is just amazingly talented.

Hunter also drew a picture for me on their card.

Jason had asked Cystal to get Zepplyn to make me something to - she made me this lovely card.

It was just filled with stickers.

She also made this cute dragon fly for me.

Jason and Freya made a cast of her hand for me.

They made several actually - they are such a nice keepsake.

Jason knows that I love hand made things or pictures the best - he just put so much thought into my birthday and I appreciate it so much.

It was nice having everyone over and it was a really great day.

I was looking at Alivia's Instagram later and this is her profile picture on there, she drew it herself - I love it.

Morgan posted a few pictures she'd taken today when she got home.
Alivia and Hunter - those two just love each other so much.

Hunter playing with the play dough Jason and Freya made.
My area rug is destroyed but oh well.

Morgan and Freya.

Morgan, Freya and Kody.

Freya opened up the bug kit she'd gotten for Easter,

 not sure this is what it was meant for?

She was running around like this for a while.

Such a little performer.

Then when it was time to go home, she was giving Dad a hard time (playing).

Giving Dad a hard time about going home.

He did eventually get her dressed and out the door.

I saw these on social media somewhere and thought they'd be cute to make.

It was a wonderful birthday and I feel very blessed.
Hopefully I'm here for 50 more!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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