Monday 11 April 2022

Pot A Bread, Wynn, Guy Fieri's Vegas Kitchen and Cirque du Soleil Mystere - Vegas Trip Continues (Apr.1, 2022)

Jason and I were up and out early for our runs again.

Jason decided to try some new route but I just did the same one as yesterday. 

The weather here is just so dang nice.

Sweaty after work out selfie.

I ran down past the Strat and back.
I think I started a bit sooner and ran a bit longer today so I ended up with 8 km's overall but nothing wrong with that.

My average heart rate was 160 so  bit higher than yesterday.

My average pace and splits.
I'm always pleased to see it in the 6's!

Video check in for today.
It's actually Friday but I guess that's what happens when you are vacation, you forget what day it is!

It was feeling pretty hot when I was making my way back to the hotel.

After we showered up, we met up with the rest of the Las Vegas crew and headed out for breakfast off strip.

Today we went to Jamms.
Jason and I had been there before on our 'breakfast trip' and we really liked it.
They do 'pot a bread' and it's delicious.

Just taking in the nice weather.

The Vegas crew.

We had a really great waitress - very friendly and chatty.

I got the caramel pot a bread and Jason got the plain.

It's basically like a freshly baked bun and it is just so fantastic.
To be honest, I think I liked Jason's best, just a freshly baked bun with butter.

Yum yum.

I could have eaten about 5 of them no problem!

I ordered the lemon pound cake french toast which came with cream cheese icing and it was super yummy too.

It came with bacon and a side of hashbrowns.
I didn't care for the hashbrowns (they normally aren't my thing anyway) but the bacon was delicious.
It is ever not?

After breakfast we made our way back to the strip and went to the Wynn to see about making dinner reservations at one of the restaurants there so we could watch the Lake of Dreams.

Parasol down is under construction right now so it wasn't an option.
We wanted to have a good steak dinner while we were in Vegas so we figured we should try to get into the steak house here.

The steak house wasn't open yet so we went to the Concierge to see if he could help.

He told us that the steakhouse is normally booked up about 3 weeks in advance and with the Grammy's were happening here in Vegas this weekend (which we had no idea of), getting in would be very unlikely.

He did offer to make a call though to see if there were any cancellations and amazingly, they had one for Sunday night at 10 pm so we took it.

The Wynn is a very nice hotel/casino so we just walked around it a bit to check it out.

Just walking through the Wynn.

Jason, Bonnie and I.

Kind of a blurry picture but there's Karl and Nadine.

Everything is just so beautiful in this casino.
I'd love to stay here sometime but I think currently that it is a bit out of my price range.

There is a bakery in the Wynn that we wanted to check out, Urth, in their shopping plaza area so we went there to find it.

Saw this super cute spinning daisy.

It lit up too.

Saw this cute display in one of the store fronts.

We found Urth Bakery, they had lots of good looking stuff.

I thought this was a pistachio cake but it was actually Matcha.
This is what I picked to try.

The Banana Cream Pie also looked yummy.

This reminded me of biscuit cake, it looked yummy too.
Jason got a slice of their pumpkin pie which they are known for.
He said it wasn't that great.

It looks kind of neat on the inside of the bakery/cafe.
I like the star shaped skylight.

Afterwards, we went back to the ticket booth to buy some tickets.
The plan was for Bonnie, John, Nadine and Karl to go to the Tournament of Kings tonight (Jason and I were skipping and going for ramen instead since we'd already been before) then we were going to get tickets to a Cirque du Soleil show for tomorrow night.

Tournament of Kings was sold out for tonight though so they got tickets for tomorrow night and we went to a Cirque show tonight.
We had chosen O but tickets for that were close to 200 US so we decided on Mystere instead which was half the price.

We went back to our rooms to freshen up the met to find a place to go for some supper.
We decided on Guy Fieri's Vegas kitchen.

I ordered a Virgin Caesar and it looked like a whole meal!

Vegas crew.

Vegas crew take 2!
That selfie stick sure came in handy

I ordered the Trash Can Nachos and this is the presentation when it arrives at your table.

It was really good - It was a lot though, I barely made a dent in it.

Jason went with a burger, I had a bite of it and it was pretty dang good too.

Jason and I.
He got this new white shirt and I think white looks so good on him.

We ordered a slice of cake to share.
Seven Layer Jack Daniels Chocolate cake.
It was very boozy, good though.

From there we headed over to Treasure Island where the show was playing.
We got there a bit early so we just gambled for a bit, hung out at the casino.
It was my first time being there.

We didn't have the best seats in the house but we could see everything just fine.
Those are two baby carriages on the stage, it's how the show started out.

Vegas crew - of course there are always a couple not looking.

Take two, now different ones aren't looking.
Wish I knew how to photo shop!

My Honey and I.

The ceiling looked really cool.

There was a bit of a pre-show, basically people would come in looking for their seats and this guy would take them on a wild goose chase all over without really leading them to their seats.
They were real, unsuspecting audience members so it was kind of funny.

Then the show got under underway - it's quite the production.
There was so much going on at first that I didn't know which way to look.

There was a 'baby' for comic relief.

These stilt characters.

This couple did an aerial act on ropes.

Next were all these guys climbing up these poles and then 'falling' back down them.
They just climbed up them like they were nothing.

This guys did a handstand on the top.

Then the rest of them climbed up and joined him.

These two gymnasts performed next.
The moves and poses they were doing were amazing.

Next up was another aerial act.
They were on bouncy swing type things.

There was a jumping act with this long trampoline and a see saw.

Then the grand finale.
You could see something coming up out of the ground.

It ended up being a giant snail.

The finale.

I enjoyed the show.
I'm always amazed at the sheer strength of the performers - I know I could never ever do what they do.

We headed back to Harrah's and gambled a bit again before calling it a night.
Jason and I each had a pistachio milk shake from Bobby's Burger Bar which just happens to be right in Harrah's food court.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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