Tuesday 12 April 2022

10k Run, Fly Over Vegas, MGM Grammy's & Binion's Steak House (Apr.3, 2022)

 Both Jason and I were up and out early for our runs today.

Jason decided to do a 21 km run - he was going to go to Fremont Street and back.

I had an 8 km run on the training schedule today so that's what I planned on doing and I thought I'd run the opposite way on the strip and started out that way but then changed my mind and headed back towards the Strat.

I started feeling like I had to go to the washroom around the 5.5km mark and by 7 km, I knew I couldn't hold it any longer so I had to stop and go into the Strat.
I'd never been in the Strat before so I got my chance today!

My average heart rate was 158 bpm - pretty normal for me.
My average pace and splits.

After my bathroom break, I still had to run another 1 km to make my 8 km's for today and since I was supposed to do 7 km yesterday and only did 5, I decided to add those 2 I missed on and I ran another 3,
So all together this morning I ran 10 km which I felt good about.

My average heart rate was a bit lower for the last 3 km's.

My average pace and splits.

My video check in for today.

When I got back to the casino, I ran into Bonnie and Nadine and we chatted and decided to go to a breakfast place near by, Maxie's.

There was a bit of a wait to get in there but at least there was a bench were we could sit and wait and people watch so it wasn't that bad.

I ordered the cotton candy pancakes which came with a giant poof of cotton candy on top.
Makes sense!
It didn't mention that in the description so I was surprised - I don't like cotton candy.

No biggie though, Nadine took care of that for me.
They came with cream cheese icing with sprinkles and I also got a side of bacon and it was super yummy!

After breakfast, I dropped everyone off down at the Luxor so they could explore as they'd never been there before and I drove down to Fremont and picked Jason up.
He ended up running the long way round to get there and by the time he arrived there he had 21 k done so he didn't need to run back.
We went and had a custard ice cream before heading back to Harrah's.

We parked the vehicle then walked up to Fly Over Vegas which is a new attraction there and one that I really wanted to do.
We've done them before in Vancouver and Seattle and I just love them.
I couldn't believe that there was barely anybody there.

There are two options, the Wild West show or Iceland and since we are going to Iceland later in the year we decided to check that one it.
We had to wait a bit for the show to start but they have a lounge area and seating plus we didn't have to wait that long.

The show was awesome!
It's so real, just like being there.
I could have watched it five times over no problem.

We left there and called the others to see what they were up to and they said they were over at MGM watching all the celebrities arriving on the red carpet for the Grammy's so we walked over there to check it out too.

It was kind of neat to see something like that.

We stood and watched some people coming in, we saw some really fancy outfits.
We were hoping to see a celebrity or two but we didn't see anyone, at least not anyone that we recognized.

We stood there and watched for a bit before heading back to Harrah's.

We had dinner reservations for 6 at Binions down on Fremont so we didn't want to be late.

Turns out traffic was atrocious and we did end up being a few minutes late but we called and warned them and they were ok with that.

They seated us right by the window and the view was amazing.

That's the domed roof over Fremont there that has the light show.
Karl and I were planning on doing the zip line but I think we've run out of time so I don't think that's going to happen this trip!

View from Binions Steak House and a hello from my dinner companions!

The waiter took some photos for us.
The one he took on my phone turned out kind of dark.

The one he took with Bonnie's phone turned out much better.

We got to sit and watch the sun go down and the neon lights turn on which was perfect.

Jason said their Chicken Fried Lobster was famous so we had to try that.
It was good but I must say, I think I prefer my lobster as is, naked as it were.
It has such a good flavor that nothing else really needs to be added.

I had the ribeye steak with a baked potato.

Jason had the scallops with chimichurri.

Not that's what I call dinner with a view!
They had some good dessert options but we were all too full to be able to try any of them.

It was a fabulous meal, with great friends and the service was wonderful.
It was a great way to end our trip here.

We were going to walk Fremont for a bit but it was so loud, I couldn't even think.
(Does that mean I'm getting old)?
Instead we headed back to Harrah's to hang out and gamble a bit more for our last night here.

There's a cool Vegas sign in the lobby of Harrah's that we had been meaning to take pictures by the whole trip and we figured this was our last chance so we better get it done!
Jason and I.

Bonnie and June (John).

Nadine and Karl.

I think I threw $20 in the machine and didn't win a thing so that was enough for me.
Jason was done with gambling too so we called it a night a bit earlier.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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