Tuesday 19 April 2022

More Snow, Sepp's, Jollibee and Swimming at the Hotel (April 15, 2022)

Woke up to an unwelcome surprise..... 

If you guessed more snow then you are correct!

Morgan made an orange cake to go out today - it looks amazing.

It started to warm up a bit mid morning so I headed out for my run.

It was actually not that bad out once I got going.

I had to do 3 miles or 5 km.

My exercise details.
Average heart rate looks pretty good today.

I did one of my alternate routes today where I started on an uphill slope and got that out of the way first.
You can see by my splits that that uphill portion right off the get go is a bit tough but it got easier from there so worth it to get it out of the way.

Marathon training video check in.
Jason went out for a run as well and when we got home, we cleaned up and packed up and got ready to head to the city.
We are taking Freya in for the night to stay at a hotel and go swimming.

We had to stop for a pee break an hour in and she wanted to walk on these curbs so we let her.
Good for her to move around a bit since we still had another hour and a half of driving to go.

Getting some wiggles out before hitting the road again.

She was really excited about going on this trip.
We could just take her swimming at the pool in town but this just seems so much more special.

Loving the breeze.

I straightened my hair today all by myself with my new straightener.

I don't think I've ever gotten it this straight on my own before.

When we got to the city, our first stop was Sepp's.
We tried two pizzas, this one had potatos, pickled peppers, Sepps sausage and pineapple on it.
It was very one note, not my favorite.

We wanted a double pepp but they were sold out so we just got the regular pepp and it is still my favorite of all the pizza's we've tried from there.
We just found a parking lot near Sepps and we sat there and ate the pizza while it was still hot.
Sepps doesn't have any dining, it is take out only.

Then we headed to the South side which is where we had our hotel room booked and did a bit of shopping.
Freya doesn't enjoy shopping that much so I wanted to try and split it out between today and tomorrow.

The Jollibee was just next door to the Walmart we were in and we were a little peckish so we thought we'd check it out.
It is a Philippino restaurant that opened here in Edmonton last year I think and it was just crazy busy at first, I'm taking hours long waits to get food.

They have chicken, burgers, spaghetti and hand pies.

We tried the chicken sandwich, a burger for Freya, a piece of their spicy chicken and their mango pie.
Nothing really blew our minds, not terrible or anything but nothing I'd rush back to get.

From there we headed to the hotel and immediately got ready to go swimming.

Got a new swimsuit with a build in floatie at the second hand store and we are about to test it out.

So far, so good.

The water in the pool was really nice and warm so really easy to get into.

Trying out her new swim vest, she loves it.

We hopped back and forth between the pool and the hot tub.

The water in the pool didn't feel so warm after being in the hot tub so I'd have to sit there for a bit before I could get in each time.

Jason's braver than I, he would just jump right in!

Swimming all by herself!

The swim vest floatie was awesome.

She just loved it.
We still stayed pretty close to her but even when she would jump in, her head wouldn't even go in the water.

Swimming in a hotel pool is one of her most favorite things to do.

Another dip in the hot tub.

Back and forth we went until the pool closed at 11 pm.
Then we headed back to the room and headed to bed.

It was a bit of a rough night, Freya picked up a pretty good cough from somewhere and it kept her and I up a good bit of the night.
We will have to get her some cough medicine tomorrow, poor little thing.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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