Friday, 29 April 2022

The Many Faces of Freya and Covid Free (April 28, 2022)

 Freya woke up with me this morning when I was getting ready for work.

I think Jason might have liked to sleep in a bit longer but she wasn't going to let that happen.

So he got up and they decided to make play dough.

Freya got herself dressed this morning.
She's been into dresses lately and girly things.

After the made the play dough, they used it to make a mold of her feet then Jason cast them with plaster of paris.
No wonder she loves coming over, Jason is always thinking up fun things to do with her.

It wasn't the nicest outside, still snowing in fact, so I opted to do my run on the treadmill today.
I had to do 4 miles and it took me just over 51 minutes.

Sweaty selfie.

My daily diary vlog on how my training is progressing.

Jason had given Freya a bath while I worked out and was brushing her hair when I came back upstairs.

She let me finish it up and actually style it.

She's been getting a lot better about that lately.

I just put little ponytails in it.
She asked if it looked like Diana's and I told her to see for herself in the mirror so she did go have a look and she was happy with it.

Playing with her new play dough that she and Papa made.
We tried to convince her to pick a different color because that last batch they made was blue but she wouldn't budge so another batch of blue it was!

I was trying to get her to look at me so I could take a nice picture but no way would she.

My area rug in the living room is just destroyed, it's stained, it's pulled by the cats and now it's covered with play dough.

It's going to have to be like that for a bit I guess - no sense getting a new one just for it to be destroyed as well.

This is turning into a series!

Another interview with Freya.

She really enjoys them - she got the ring light out and her chair and asked Papa to record it.
Ha ha.

The tables have turned - now Freya is interviewing Papa.

Freya had a doctor appointment in Barrhead this afternoon to have a look at her adenoids.

When she's sleeping, she sounds like she's struggling to breath and it can be a bit worrisome.

Kody had the same thing when he was little, his adenoids were abnormally large and when he would lay down, they would kind of drop and make his airway even smaller so he ended up having both his adenoids and his tonsils out.

The doctor agreed that Freya's look large so he's sending them to see a specialist.

She may end up having to get them out like Kody did - it isn't a fun experience of course but if it helps her to breath easier at night then it is totally worth it.

I was feeling much better and wanted to get back to the office so I took another Covid test just to make sure I was good to go.

It came back negative as I suspected it would so I went back to the office for the afternoon.

Haylee posted these to Facebook - the many faces of Freya.


She really does make the best faces.

Side eyes!


Jason and I ordered Terry Fox t-shirts and they came in today so we had to model them.


Terry Fox was such an inspiration - a true Canadian hero.

The older I get, the more I appreciate what he did and how much strength and courage it took.
It's actually quite amazing.

If Jason is off, we are going to make a point of running in the Terry Fox run this year and every other year that we can from now on.

Jason is working the next three days to cover for his cross shift guy who needed a few days off and I'm heading to the city in the afternoon to take Mom for a mammogram and we were both super tired so around 8:30 we went to bed.

I joked with Jason that we are getting old but you know, sleep is good for the body so no harm in heading to bed extra early every now and then!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

The Weather is so Depressing (April 27, 2022)

 You'd think I'd be used to this by now and it wouldn't surprise me and yet seeing this much snow at the end of April is always a little jarring.

Disappointing and a bit depressing too.

It wasn't just a skiff either, I mean it snowed last night.

It also continued to do so throughout the day.
I think we had several inches down by the end of the day.
And to think, our lawn was nearly clear of snow just yesterday.

I still had cold symptoms so I worked from home again today.

Kody dropped Freya off at lunch time so she could spend the day with us, well mainly Jason as I was working.

She loves playing in the basement - when I went down to change a load of laundry over, I found them like this on the treadmill - not sure what game she dreamed up for them there?

She was stuffing hand weights up her shirt here, they were her 'babies'

I only had a mile to run today and since it was still snowing outside I opted to just do it on the treadmill.
I figured the danger of slipping on some hidden ice wasn't worth running outside for.

It always feels good to get a work out done no matter how big or small.

My training diary check in.

While I ran on the treadmill, these two kept me company playing another one of Freya's games she came up with.
She has a great imagination.

Just having a snack.
She loves hot spicy cheesies - she can handle way more heat than I can and she's only 3!

It does mean she drinks tons of water but that's a good thing.

No Comment.
My very one sided interview with Freya.

She found my secret chocolate tahini stash.

I think she likes it.

Someone was exhausted and ready for a nap.
Grandma is not a napper but felt like joining her and almost did.
Even though I didn't fall asleep, just sitting quietly, cuddling with her was restful and nice.

She slept for about an hour which we were hoping was not a mistake as it was after supper by this point and she was spending the night with us.

She did get a bit of a second wind before we headed to bed but when bedtime did roll around, it wasn't a struggle at all.

I read her a few books and then we were all ready for lights out!

Totally - this is how I convince myself to at least just get started.

I promise myself that I can just do a short one - I'd say 90% of the time, I end up doing a longer run as it's the getting started that is the hard part sometimes.

For the other 10% of the time though that I end up just doing a short run, at least I got a short run in and that is better than nothing and I feel just as good about those runs as I do my long runs.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Back Working From Home Again (For a Few Days).(April 26, 2022)

 Well, the cold I've been trying to avoid caught me.

I woke up with a croaky voice, a hacking cough and a bit of a sore throat.

Due to Covid - we are not supposed to go to the office when we have any symptoms so I called my boss to let her know I'd be working from home today.

I had to do a covid test and it came back negative - which I kind of suspected.

I'm pretty sure it's just a cold that I have - I'll just have to work from home until my symptoms go away.

I'll likely take another test too, right before I go back just to make sure all is good but for now, back to working in my home office again.

Tuesday's are always busy with meetings for me so the morning just flew by.

We accidentally purchased 3 sets of tickets to see The Music Man on Broadway and the site we purchased them on would not let us return two sets so I've been checking the mail everyday looking for them so we could list them for sale and hopefully get some of our money back.

Shennelle called to say they'd arrived at the office by courier so she dropped them off to me at lunch time.
Awesome - Jason was able to list them and as long as they sell by May 6th we should be able to courier them to the buyer in time for the show.

Fingers crossed!

I asked Kody to come over after work to help me load some stuff into the truck so I could take it to the dump.
Haylee was working and had his vehicle so I went and picked him and Freya up.

We loaded up the truck then he took it to the dump and left Freya with me.

She did her 'laundry' in her little washing machine then mom helped her 'fold it'.

Then she put her 'clothes' on.

It's so cute watching her play with mom.

She kind of bosses her around a little bit.

My sweet girl.

We've been trying to get her off the bubba.
I hid it way up in the top shelf of the cupboard but she found it.
She's a little sleuth that one!

I had planned on hopping on the treadmill to do my run today but it was nice out and we are supposed to get snow tomorrow so I figured I'd better take advantage of the nice weather when I could.

I told Kody to take my car home and I headed out for run.
I figured I'd stop there when I was done and pick it up.

Today's run felt really good, much better than the one I ran yesterday.

I had to run 5 miles or 8k today.
I have been trying to embrace the hills instead of avoiding them.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.

I ran into a former co-workers husband just as I was finishing up (John & Marilyn N) so I stopped and chatted with him for a bit to see how Marilyn is doing.
Us girls at the office have wanted to visit but since Covid we really can't as she needs to take extra precautions.

My brother Adrien just had some renovations done to his house and he and the family just moved back in so I stopped in there to have a look.
(They live right across the street from Kody now).

They took a wall out in their kitchen and it made such a big difference, it looks huge.

My video check in for today.

Little Miss was being her usual silly self.

She wanted a bag of popcorn then she proceeded to squish it all into teeny tiny pieces.

I was getting ready to leave and giving her kisses and she kept wiping them away.

She really wanted to come over and spend the night but she has school in the am.
I told her she could come tomorrow night - it is so hard to say no to her.

She wanted her bubba and it was in my car so we went to get it and she wanted me to come back in the house and sit on the couch with her.

So of course you know I did.

She fell asleep almost immediately.
Poor little darling was so tired.

I sat with her for a bit and chatted with Kody before heading home.

They had a few people over last night and had a bonfire in their back yard last night and Kody posted this cute picture from it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Scary Weigh In (April 25, 2022)

Today was weigh in day and it went just about how I expected it would.

I weighed in at 198 lbs.
That is way closer to 200 than I ever wanted to get again.

That's up 2.6 since last weigh in.

I'm going the wrong way.

This just goes to show how important the 'eating' part of weight loss is.

I run everyday and I'm still gaining - obviously I am eating way too much.

I am even starting to feel it in my clothes and just in my body.

I've been using the excuse that I'm running more so I'm hungrier but I could be making better food choices.

I keep saying I'm going to get back to tracking - today is the day!

It was nice out today so I got out for a walk to the end of the road and back.
Blair says it's the time of year when the bears are waking up so I should take an air horn with me when I walk.
Will have to remember to do that - I do NOT want to startle a sleepy, groggy bear.

I have definitely caught a bug of some sort and I was starting to feel more and more unwell as the day wore on.
I figured I shouldn't be at the office around other folks so I headed home a bit early.

I stopped and picked up some medicine for myself and I saw the bags of Peanuts Galore (which is my kryptonite) and I talked myself right into buying a bag.

I told myself it was a really good deal - I could just hide it away for a snack sometime in the future.
Full disclosure - that did not happen.

I opened them when I got home just so I could have a few and proceeded to eat the entire bag.
Probably about 80 points worth of snacks.

So needless to say, I went over my daily points but I didn't eat anything else for the end of the day and I know now that I just can't trust myself around that stuff.

It cannot come into my house again.

I'm just going to move on from it though - it happened, I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the evening and tomorrow will be a whole new slate.

It was quite sunny and nice out so after my medicine kicked in a bit, I decided to head out for a walk hoping it might make me feel better.
I still needed to get about 7000 steps by that point and I also needed to run my 1 mile.
I ended up walking for a bit then running 2 k and walking some more after.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.

I was happy to have it done but to be perfectly honest - I didn't feel any better afterwards.
I hate being sick.
It's not the knocked out, dragged down kind of sick but it's enough to make me not want to do much.

Video check in for today.

After my walk and run, I spent the rest of the evening just chilling on the couch watching Call the Midwife.
I had an early night.
If I still have symptoms in the morning, I'll have to work from home.

I'm hoping I get over this quickly.

Kody and Haylee took Freya to WCT yesterday with Crystal and Zepplyn.
They got to enjoy the nice weather and play in the park.

Freya also went to her first movie - Sonic.

I asked Kody if she sat through it all, she didn't.

Ha ha.

Kept wanting to go to the washroom or get snacks and talk to the people ahead of them in the theatre.

It was a kids showing thankfully so lots of other kids all doing the same.

It was good they tried it though - now she knows what it's all about and a different movie next time might keep her attention better.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!