Wednesday 23 December 2020

Three Years Already. (Dec.22, 2020)

On this day back in 2017, my Grandmother passed away and we all miss her dearly.


I can hardly believe it has been 3 years already.

The boys stayed over at my brother A's last night so it was pretty quiet around here when I got up.

Mom, my sister and my brother R all went to WCT to do some Christmas shopping so I had the house all to myself today while I worked.

I headed out at lunch to go for a walk but the sidewalk and driveway needed shoveled again so I did that first but it ended up taking me an hour and a half.

I've done more shoveling in the past week than I've done in the past 10 years combined.

I hate doing it but it is really good exercise.

I decided to head down to the office this afternoon for a bit to print a few things off that I needed to and to see if there were any parcels there for me.

I got a free sample from Amazon.

Apple chips.
I've never gotten a free sample from them before so that was kind of nice.
I had a parcel too - some pants I'd ordered for Mom from Ricki's that I'd forgotten all about.

BL was there at the office working and he dropped by my office to ask about something and we ended up having a nice, long chat.
He is such a nice man.

Miss H posted some cute pics of her and Baby F.

I think she had some kind of filter on maybe?

Doesn't matter - they both look as beautiful as ever.

Mr T updated his profile picture - these two sure have come a long way and I am so proud of both of them.
They are so mature and sensible and really hard workers - they really make a nice couple.

My brother brought the kids back over after the shoppers got back from WCT.

My son and brother R dropped over for a visit.
We were going to play a game but ended up watching funny animal videos instead.

Mom just loving having everyone around.
I think it is tiring for her but she doesn't care - she wouldn't want to miss a minute of it.

Baby F wanted to stay for the night so I said she could.

She got bored of videos and wanted a bath and Mr H wanted in too.

So I let him - he wanted to wear his undies in though and that was fine.

Making herself a beard.

When she decides she wants out, she wants out now.

Making silly faces at the camera.

She's so beautiful.

Mr H wanted in on the selfie fun.

He's my handsome little fellow.

After her bath, she wanted a hot bubba.

As you can see, what she wants when she is at Grandma and Papa's house, she gets.
I thought she was going to fall asleep and she did but only for a minute then she was up and going again with the kids.

She had me put on the Christmas glasses.
Do they suit me?

Getting mom to try on some glasses too.

This popped up on Facebook and it made me chuckle.
This is where we lived when we were in Germany.
I still remember my address and I left there when I was 9 years old.
Area 33, Block 2, Apartment 16.

The look on his face though!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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