Tuesday 1 December 2020

Fun with Baby F (Nov.25, 2020)

It was a gorgeous day out there today.

My Honey came down and met me at the office so we could go for a walk.

It will be the last day for that, as suspected, when I got to the office this morning, we had an email telling us to prepare to work from home for the next few weeks.

I had a few meetings today so I'm going to finish out the day at the office but starting tomorrow, I'll be working from home again.


The table project My Honey has been working on is coming along - I think it looks great.

He's going to put a bunch of layers of paint on it then sand some back off to give it the rustic look that we both love.

I saw these little gnome ornaments on Instagram created by Ruffles and Boots - they are so dang cute.

My Honey went for a walk to the store this afternoon and picked up a nice movie for BN - I think he's going to love it, ha ha!

He also picked up a giant princess Kinder egg for Baby F who is coming over later today.
She recently developed a liking for these so she is going to be thrilled.

He was working hard today, he got a white coat on the table - it's looking good.

OMG, Paddington is so funny - look how he was sitting on the couch.

Miss H and Baby F were outdoors enjoying the nice weather today too.
Then Miss H had to go to work so she dropped Baby F off to us.

As soon as Baby F arrived, Professor Snuggles found himself a great spot to relax where she couldn't reach him.

She came across this green guy dancing and singing on YouTube and she was just mesmerized by it.
She gets us to play it for her a lot - it brings out the crazy dancer in her!

She tries to copy his dance moves and it's so funny!

Working on the sticker book that Papa got her today.

No Papa, it goes here!

Tearing into that Kinder Egg.

Wonder which princess will be inside?
(It was Belle).

She loves going on our bed and hiding under all the pillows.
She was pretending to be asleep - big fake snores and all.

She also loves when I sing 'Monkeys jumping on the bed' and she and My Honey jump and fall over, the teddy bear joined in the fun this time too.
Normally I have to sing it over and over but she kind of lost interest here and moved onto something else, Lotion!
She saw my hand lotion and just needed to put some on!

So My Honey made her a fort in the living room.

He got her all set up in there with blankets, pillows, snacks and entertainment.
She just loved it - she stayed in there for a long time just quiet as a mouse.

My Honey even went in there with her for a bit.
Forts are just so much fun.

NCT sent this picture of this painting we were working on last night.
The stencil had kind of bubble a bit so we weren't sure how it was going to turn out but I think it looks great.

Papa and his girl.

He sanded back some of the paint - it is looking awesome!

Baby F's visit turned into a sleep over and it was time for bed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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