Thursday 3 December 2020

Time with the Kiddos and Family Dinner in Shifts! (Nov.29, 2020)

The kids slept in until 8 am so not too shabby.

When the got up, they all had breakfast cookies!
Actually, My Honey did make waffles and bacon for breakfast but they had the cookies while they were waiting.

Isn't that just the height of comfort right there?

He was trying to get all of them going at once - he did a pretty good job.

Breakfast is served.

We gave her a bit of whipped cream to go with her berries hoping she would eat more but she just ended up eating more of the whipped cream only.

Miss A loves berries and whipped cream so she was in heaven.

This fellow on the other hand has become very fussy as of late.
He likes everything plain and ended up only eating a small portion of his waffle with nothing on it at all.

While the kids were eating breakfast, I got working on painting my gnomes.

I'd gotten a coat on all of them yesterday but they needed more coats.

I bought little mini gingerbread men cookies for them to decorate.
I just took some ready made icing and divided it into 6 portions, mixed a different color into each and then put them in baggies for piping.

Miss A was all about it, Mr H didn't want to decorate them at first but he joined in when he saw how much fun it was.

I think more of the icing and decorations ended up on Baby F and in her belly than on the cookies.

She enjoyed it though.

That is until she noticed what I was doing.

Then she was determined to help me.
So we took off her clothes and found some wood for her to paint.
We had to give her a bath afterwards of course.

I had washed up her clothes I got at the second hand store yesterday so I put this little Grinch one on her.
It's so cute.
I was having the family over for supper tonight for my brother R's birthday celebration and I was making a lasagna.

I shredded up the cheese and Baby F decided she needed to sample it.

She sampled a little, 

then a little more,

then a little more,

and a little more.
Her love of shredded cheese resurfaced with a vengeance today!
She sampled so much that I had to hide it away so I'd have some left for the lasagna.

It was such a nice day out there that we got the kiddos all bundled up and took them out for a walk.

The sled is a pretty good size, they can all fit on there comfortably.

It's quite easy to pull on the snow too, it kind of just glides along.

Mr H wanted to give it a go.

He pulled with all his might.

I think it was a little harder than he expected but he did move it somewhat.

My Honey took back over until Baby F decided she wanted to pull it.

So My Honey let her.

He did have to help her a bit but she was fine with that.

Mainly she just wanted to be out of the sled and walking.
That slowed things down considerably but we were in no hurry so it was fine.

We stopped at the store for snacks then headed over to the hill to go sledding.

The kids ate the snacks but none of them wanted to go down the hill.
Miss A was sledding last week with her friends and ran into a tree and got a pretty good black eye so she's kind of over it right now.
Baby F just wasn't interested and My Honey finally did convince Mr H to go down but I think it kind of scared him.
He didn't like it that much and didn't want to do it again.
Geez, what happened to the kids these days?
When I was there age, my parents would have had to drag me off that hill.

On the way home, Baby F announced she was tired and wanted me to carry her home.
It had to be me, not anyone else and she did fall asleep.
She was getting heavy for me though but every time we'd try to switch her over to My Honey, she'd wake up and want back with me.

So I carried her most of the way until we knew she was good and asleep then My Honey was finally able to take over for me.

She ended up napping for a good hour or so when we got home.

BH sent me a message with this when we got home.
Looks like Covid finally made it's way to our little town.
There is 1 reported case here now.
I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

It completely stressed out about supper though.
I wasn't sure if we should go ahead with the birthday supper tonight or not.
Supper was already in the oven cooking though and dessert was made so I decided to do supper in shifts.

The birthday boy came in the first shift with my son and Miss H.
They all live together anyway so it made sense.

We had lasagna and garlic toast.
Even Baby F had some.
My son is super anxious about Covid 19 so today's update had him totally stressing out.

Miss A - I gave her a sweatshirt that was way too small for me and she loved it.

Baby F and her mama!

The dessert My Honey created.
It was chocolate cake with all kinds of goodies up on top.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...

The kids helped to blow out the candles.

Even Miss A helped.
Probably not a very Covid friendly activity but only thought about that after the deed was done.

Everyone really enjoyed the dessert - it was a hit.
I even had to have a little sample - it was great!

Then we had a little dance party again.

This one loves being carried around in her chair throne.
Then they all got ready and headed home so the next shift could come over and eat.

My brother and Miss M were the next shift.

Mom and I had already eaten but it was nice to hang out with them.

After they left, my niece, Miss M dropped by and I made her a bunch of take away containers with lasagna, garlic toast and dessert.
So they didn't actually come in to eat but at least they had some supper too.

It was really nice to spend all that time with the kids but I was pretty exhausted by the end of the evening and it wasn't long before My Honey and I hit the hay.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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