Wednesday 23 December 2020

Family Time (Dec.19, 2020)

The kids had a great time last night - everyone got along and a couple of them even slept in this morning.

My sister made them all breakfast when everyone got up.

Pancakes for everyone.

Everyone even ate them which is amazing because we have a lot of fussy eaters around here.


Baby F was up early this morning and fell asleep around noon for a nap.

It was good timing because I was able to get out for my lunch hour walk and when I got back from the walk, I shoveled our driveway and sidewalk.

That's a pretty good workout.

I feel bad because I've always left it to My Honey to do - I hate shoveling.

I don't think I would have been fit enough to do it before.

I'm surprised how much fitter I've gotten in the last few months - I know last winter I would have been out of breath just after cleaning off the stairs.

So now I need to make up for all the years I wasn't helping him!

Plus now that I've been walking around town so much more, I understand how important it is to keep the sidewalks cleared.

Everyone came back over to hang out after supper.
My son - Miss H was over for a short time but wasn't feeling good so had my son take her back home.

My brother R.

My brother A, SIL Miss M and mom.

We all played some Heads Up and just hung out.
When My son left, he wanted Baby F to go home with him but she insisted that she didn't want to.
I said she could stay again so finally he left without her.

Two nights must be her limit though because a bit later when my brother A and SIL M were leaving, Baby F noticed that her dad was gone and she got so upset.

She was just so upset that I had to call him to come back for her, which he did.

The girls, except we were missing my sissy.

There she is!

The kids slept over again so after all the adults went home, the boys went downstairs to play video games and Miss A stayed upstairs with the girls to watch a movie.

We watched Noelle, it was a cute movie, I rather enjoyed it.

Ha ha ha - this is so true - so many 'internet doctors' out there these days that think they are more knowledgeable than real doctors.
It is kind of sad really if you think about it.
They are all up in arms over vaccines and doctors telling them to do this or that but I bet when one of them has a heart attack or something else serious, they won't try to medicate it home themselves and they'll be running off to a Doctor first thing for their help.

I do take the whole Covid situation seriously but every now and then you just need to have a laugh and make things light.
Laughter really is a great medication.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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