Friday 4 December 2020

My Year Long Streak Just Came To An End (Dec.3, 2020)

 My Honey was back to work yesterday so when I headed out for my lunch time walk, I was all by my lonesome.

It was another gorgeous day out there.
I just love the warm weather that we've been getting lately.

A former co-worker posted this on Facebook today from the days when we worked together at Kmart.
I loved working there and made so many great friends and have so many great memories.
It was really nice to see.

I LOVE the sign - I'm totally going to make this one, for real!

Such wise words and I 1000% agree Keanu!

After work, SW and her daughter dropped by to pick up the gnomes.
I was happy that she liked them.
Her daughter was very impressed with the Christmas decorations in my house.
I guess I go over the top a little but it makes me happy so all worthwhile.

After they left, I got me some leftover chicken and salad then sat down and turned on a Hallmark movie, A Nashville Christmas Carol.
I had been nursing a headache all day so I took some ibuprofen but it still took a while for it to go away.
I felt bad that I had nothing cooked for supper for My Honey when he got home from work - I'm going to make sure I have something ready to go for him tomorrow night!

The first day this year I missed getting my 10,000 steps and just by less than 200 steps.
If I'd checked before I'd gone to bed I'd have gotten hem no problem, I just forgot to look.
How dumb is that?

Not much I can do now about it but next year, I'm upping it to 12,000 steps per day and I WILL NOT miss any days at all!!!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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