Tuesday 15 December 2020

Baby F and Paddington and Their Love Hate Relationship(Dec.11, 2020)

When we walked to the store yesterday, we noticed that there were only two cases of diet gingerale left.
I didn't want to carry them all the way home so I planned to go back this morning first thing and get them.
For some reason, diet gingerale has been super hard to find lately.

My Honey stopped at the store when he went out for his run and saw that it has been restocked.
Woo Hoo.
So no need to rush down there but I definitely will drop by and get some more today.

When My Honey got home from his run, he made us breakfast - eggs, deli turkey, apple and clementine.
Yum yum - and even better that I didn't have to prepare - he brought it to me at my desk while I was working.

Then he got busy finishing up these side tables that he's been working on.
They are gifts for BH, SV and NCT.
Now that we've cancelled our Christmas get together, we have some extra time to work on them but I'd still like to get them done.
I'm going to put a black stain on them and then paint them white and sand some of it back.
I sure hope they like them, My Honey put a lot of work into them.

My Honey had already been out for a run and a walk this morning so he continued working on the tables and I went out for a walk on my lunch break.
Note the icicles growing on the fur (fake of course) of my hood.

It was super chilly out there, winter is back.

Later in the afternoon, Baby F came for a visit with Papa while her mom and dad headed to WCT to do some shopping.

I was still working so she came in my office to visit and to 'help' me.

I let her draw for a bit then My Honey took her to entertain her while I finished up my day.

After work, Baby F stayed with My Honey and Mom and I headed to WCT.
We both had a few things we needed to get and I just wanted to get it finished up, I knew if I went tomorrow I would eat up most of my day there.

Between the drive there and back and the shopping, we were gone for under 4 hours which wasn't that bad actually.

My Honey had cooked up pizza while we were gone and it smelled divine when we walked into the house.
I had 3 slices - I hadn't really eaten since breakfast and I was ravenous.
It was fantastic!

Baby F was still there - she is spending the night.

She was just getting out of the bath and giving Paddington some love - whether he wanted it or not.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't into it but she didn't let that stop her.

She just loves the kitties so much.

I'm afraid they are going to scratch her and Paddington's claws are razor sharp.

She just always wants to be close to them.

Even with her bubba, she still was keeping her eye on him.

He was keeping an eye on her too!

My brother posted this picture on FB that I thought I would share.
Just having some family time playing a silly game that looks like fun!

Some Facebook Memories from Dec.11, 2014 I thought I would share.

The girls bought me this doll that year from a crafter I really love in the city.
They went out of there way to find her and go there and pick this out for me so I really appreciated it and it meant a lot.
I still have her and she sits in front of my fireplace.

We had our Christmas party that night and My Honey and I made this snowman cheeseball and the little olive penguins.
So cute, I still love how they turned out.

My tree that year.

All my decor - I didn't hang the snowflakes this year in the window.

My mantel - sure looks different now that we've done the renovation to the fireplace and taken those built in cabinets out.

I am 100% going to get the Covid vaccine when I can but I still thought this was funny.

Some more holiday ho ho - love it!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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