Thursday 3 December 2020

Christmas Activities to get into the Spirit of the Season! (Nov.28, 2020)

My Honey and I were up early this morning so we could head into WCT for a quick trip.

Before we left, I stained all the wood My Honey had cut out for me to make gnomes.

I wanted it to be dry by the time we got home so that I could start painting them.

The trip to WCT wasn't as quick as I'd hoped it would be.

We stopped at both of the second hand stores so I could try to find a Scrabble game.

My niece is making a craft and needs the letter tiles but I had no luck.

I did get Baby F a winter coat for $1.50 though, a couple pair of jeans and a couple of Christmas tops.

It was around 3 when we finished up and were ready to head for home.

We stopped in to try our luck at the casino but that was a short stop.

Within 20 minutes we'd both lost what we planned on spending and we were back on the road heading home.

I lost my hammer recently so My Honey picked us each up new ones at the dollar store.
He posted this on his Instagram - isn't he romantic?

I picked up a couple of things for my center piece that I'm working on.
I love the little reindeer.

My Honey got outside and started working on a rink.
He decided to build one in the backyard for the kids this year.

He's not built one from scratch like this before so here's hoping all goes well (I'm sure it will).
It is going to be huge when he's done, room for all kinds of people to skate.

My son dropped Baby F off for her Saturday night sleepover and we invited Miss A and Mr H to sleep over too.

We had a living room dance party with Miss Cleopatra in her throne being carried about.

She thought that was just great and would have had My Honey doing it all night if she could have.

The kids enjoyed it too - Mr H even put on the obligatory sunglasses.

Someone got tuckered out pretty quickly though - thankfully it was later when she fell asleep so chances were good she'd sleep right on through the night (she did).
Mr H and My Honey played a few video games because Mr H is all about that right now,

But then we turned off the game and all watched a movie together.
We picked a classic, The Grinch.
We wanted the cartoon version but couldn't find it so settled for the Jim Carrey version.
We all really enjoyed it.

Over in NS, my sister and my nephews were doing Christmas activities too, Gingerbread House constructing.

Well, Gingerbread trains I guess.

They do it every year and are getting to be old pros!

Wonder how many licks happened in the course of the evening?

Mr D being silly.
Both of their creations turned out awesome, great job boys!

The kids wanted to sleep in the room with us tonight but there was no way all 5 of us were fitting in our bed even if it is a king size.
So we made them a little nest/bed at the foot of our bed and that's where Mr H and Miss A slept.
I think I'm going to get an air mattress though (maybe two) so it will be a bit more comfortable for them next time.
Baby F slept with us and she did sleep through the night, Allelujah!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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