Tuesday 1 December 2020

Just a Jonah Day (Nov.27, 2020)

Working from home does have it's perks.

 My Honey made breakfast and brought it to me at my desk!

After lunch, he walked down and picked Baby F up then took her over to the town office to claim her prize.

They let her pick what she wanted from a table of options and he said she went right for this LOL gingerbread house.
He said the ladies at the office were fawning over her and she was just eating up the attention.

This is the latest thing she has My Honey doing.
She sits in the chair and he dances around with her.

He gets a work out in and she enjoys herself immensely so it's a win win all around.

Little Cleopatra and her indentured slave.

She wanted a bubba but we couldn't find one so some water in her old sippy cup sufficed.
She just loves water this one.

She wanted a pudding too which at first she was eating.

But then she just started messing around.

She liked looking at herself in the phone camera with the food in her mouth.

Ha ha ha
Giving Papa the stink eye.

She's hilarious.

Wondering what he did to his finger.

I had been thinking about going to Whitecourt but was having kind of a Jonah day so decided to just stay home.
I don't know why but I just felt down for some reason - I think the whole Covid thing gets to me every now and then.
I had a bath then when I got out I was feeling much better.

I saw more ideas on Instagram of things to make.
I love the simplicity of this box.

Then I also like the pattern on this box.
Lately I've been liking every thing white but I think I kind of dig just the stained wood on this one.

I love the chunky legs on this coffee table.
We don't have a coffee table but I'm thinking I might want to reconsider and get My Honey to make this.

I like the brick wall and the little sign above the toilet.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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