Wednesday 23 December 2020

A Christmas Surprise (Dec.17, 2020)

Today is the day my sister and nephews are arriving and I'm so excited.

It was a yucky day for driving, everything was white, including the sky and the snow was blowing about so visibility was poor.

 I headed in to the city really early because I wanted to do some shopping so I was able to just take my time on the drive in so it was all good.

My sister's flight was scheduled to arrive at 2:30 and I got to the airport in plenty of time.

The airport was pretty much deserted.

I walked back and forth for a bit to get some extra steps in.
Their flight actually got in a little early so that was nice.

There they are, the NS crew.
I was so happy to see them.
My sister said the flight was good - she could have done without the layover in Calgary but the plane was practically empty so we understand why the direct to Edmonton was cancelled.

We grabbed their luggage and headed straight for the hills (with a pit stop through A&W to get them some supper for the road).

My plan was to have everyone be at my house before us then I would go in and my sister and the boys would wait a few minutes before they came in to surprise everyone but it didn't exactly go off as planned.

My son forgot about it and Miss H was at her mom's so they were going to be late and I didn't want to wait around for them so we just went ahead.

Mom was downstairs folding clothes and when she came up, she got a pretty good surprise.
She was thrilled to see J and the boys.

When my brother and son finally did arrive, they didn't even notice my sister at first which was kind of funny.
Everyone was pretty excited to see her.

I had ordered a few pizzas which I picked up on the way home so we ate supper and had munchies.

And hung out.
Miss M and Mr T were both in on the secret and they did a great job of keeping it.
I don't know how much longer I would have lasted without letting something slip so I'm glad I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Baby F was like a little whirlwind with all the kids around.
She thought that was just great.

My brother, Miss M and Miss H.

Baby F and Papa.

My sissy and mom.

We all hung out for the evening and just caught up and we watched the old movies I had digitized for my dad.

Here is an example.
I posted most of them on my YouTube page.
They are short and there is no sound but they are a lot of fun to watch.
There are some folks on them that are no longer with us so that was really a treat to see them.

This memory popped up on Facebook of Mr H trying on My Honey's boots back in 2016 - they are almost as big as he is.

Another one.
Mr H and Miss A in their Christmas picture from 2015.
They've grown so much.

These pictures also popped up from Christmas 2014.
Just look at these little cuties.

The fam jam - there are a whole lot more of us now.

Mr D was such a little cutie pie and he knew it too - he was a little charmer.

Mr E was such a cutie too - He has always been such a little cuddler - I love it.

I must say, it feels wonderful to have the family all together under one roof.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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