Monday 7 December 2020

Weekend, Oh How I Love Thee! (Dec.5, 2020)

 It's the freakin' weekend!!


I got up early as usual, made a coffee and found a movie to watch.
I settled on this one from a couple years ago.
A Christmas Snow.
I enjoyed it.

Meanwhile, at work, My Honey was busy getting pies into the oven for the bbq tomorrow.

He made a pecan one and a coconut, chocolate pecan one.
Both look delicious.

I got my latest batch of trees finished up.
I added these wooden snowflakes because I thought they needed a little something.
Then I headed down to the Hardware and added them to my display.

I've been selling some stuff from my display so that's great.
I wish I had more time to make more stuff.

I popped down to the cafe to visit my niece who was working and ran into Baby F and her mom there.

She got herself a kinder egg - she loves those things.
Her and her mom were having lunch.
I had to run and do a few things but told Miss H to drop her off to me so that she could take a run to the second hand store in WCT.

So Miss H did drop her off not long after I got home.
I put her in the 'stroller' and we headed out for a walk because it was such a gorgeous day.

About a third of the way into our walk, she wanted to get out and walk on her own.
She found some ice and thought it was great that she could slip around on it.
I let her do that for a bit.
She walked for the second third of the way and then she wanted me to carry her.
I tried to convince her to get back in the stroller but she wouldn't, I had to carry her with one arm and push the stroller with the other so it turned out to be a pretty good work out for me. 

She wanted a bubba when we got home so I got her one.
I told her to smile real big so we could take a picture for Papa.

So she did.

So cute.
We called him and had a video chat with him.

Miss H got back around 5 and she & I took Baby F and headed to the Christmas Tree House to get some Christmas pictures taken.
Baby F fell asleep in the car on the way home so I told Miss H just to bring her over later after she woke up.
She's going to come for a sleep over tonight.

I decided to get to work on my Reindeer Crack.
I couldn't get any Chex Mix this year but I had lots of other goodies to go into it.

I got it all into the bowl (it filled a giant bowl) then got the white chocolate melting.
I just pour the white chocolate over the mixture then kind of fold it in with my hands.
I wear gloves because the chocolate is hot and plus it is really messy.
Then I put it onto wax paper lined cookie sheets to let it harden.

Then I put it all into little Christmas baggies that I had - I think it made about 20 of them.
I sampled some of the nuts and pretzels while I was making it.
I'm telling you - it's my Achilles Heel, salty stuff like nuts and chips, but I didn't go too crazy and I got it put away as soon as possible.
Got to have a treat every now and then though or else what is the point?

Miss H brought Baby F back just as My Honey was getting home from work and she 'helped' me make us omelets for supper.
She is very determined!

She made him go downstairs with her, she loves it down there for some reason and when they came back up, he was carrying her in these containers.
Another thing she loves.

The faces this kid makes - hilarious!

My Honey said he would buy me a new sewing machine for Christmas so I was doing a bit of research.
This one had really good reviews but is out of stock.
I think I'll have to keep looking.

It was actually the 90's for me but I totally had the big hair.
Went through a lot of hairspray to get it too.
I had glasses like the ones in the very first picture but I think my hair was more like the one up from the bottom left (with the black vest and necklace thing).
My poor hair!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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