Friday 4 December 2020

House of Christmas Trees Tour and Gnomes, Gnomes and More Gnomes (Dec.1, 2020)

I went to work in my 'office' this morning (otherwise known as my craft room) and the commute was wonderful.

One minute to work! 

While I was busy working this morning, My Honey got busy working on supper.
He made this porketta with red pesto sauce in it.
Got it all tied up and into the oven.

Not gonna lie, the delicious aroma filled the house while it was cooking away and I can't wait to try it.

It was nice out so at lunch My Honey and I headed out for a walk.
We saw NCT's vehicle parked at the Christmas Tree House to say Hi and she made us come in for a tour.

I'd seen it already but My Honey hadn't.

It's such a shame that it had to be cancelled because she put so much work into it and it looks awesome.
I love the Noel sign on the mantle.

She made sure to include the buffalo check that is all the rage right now.

There is that sign we made - I think it turned out great.

The house just has trees everywhere - and they are all themed.

The kitchen is looking nice.

Love the wreaths on the cupboard doors (I do that at my house) and the Gingerbread sign is one that we made as well that she is going to sell.

Cute Christmas stuff is everywhere.
I love lanterns.

Red is my favorite Christmas color.

These funky pink and purple trees spark lots of conversation from the few folks that did happen to tour through the house.

Another sign that we made.
This one sold already.
It is really a nice sign.

We convinced her to do a Christmas room and I think it was worth it.
That is my blanket and pillow on it - they look great.

Those signs on the tree are mine too - I just got them at a boxing day sale and was going to use them in a wreath or something.

This cabinet is new since I was there - I really like it.

The room of trees.
This bedroom has 4 trees in it - what a lot of work.

I like the little slim tree, I'm considering getting one for my place maybe.

This was her mom's furniture - the lamp was handmade - isn't is so old fashioned yet fabulous?

Another room full of trees.

And another sign we made - this one is sold already as well.
Even though she can't do tours of the house, she did have a photographer lined up to take Christmas pictures and because she can do that by appointment, that is still going to be a go.
The photographer is going to give her half of what she raised to go towards the charity that all the proceeds of the Christmas Tree House were going to go to so it isn't a total loss.
I'm so glad.
She worked for weeks on it so it would have been such a shame if it was all for naught.

After the tour, we continued on our walk.

Look at that sun just a shining - what a lovely sight!

This afternoon, Baby F came over for a visit (mom and dad both had to go to work).

My Honey made them each a crown.

She liked it and left it on for about 2 minutes.
He watched her while I worked this afternoon.
It was hard not to go out and just join them but I did it.

Right as I finished work, the porketta was ready to come out of the oven.

Doesn't it look fabulous?
We had salad and mashed potatoes with it for supper.

After Baby F went home, I got to work finishing up my gnomes.

Basically I just needed to add the beards and noses.

I made blues, reds and greens.

I painted little patterns on their hats too.

I hope SW likes them.

I made a whole army of them.


My Honey and I sat down and started watching The Christmas Chronicles 2.
It was really good - we turned it off though with only a half hour left to go because we are both getting old and we were falling asleep.
We'll finish it off tomorrow night.

Saw this online and it reminded me that I need to get mine finished up!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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