Tuesday 8 December 2020

Onederland is Soooo Close (Dec.7, 2020)

 Holy smokes, it's weigh in day again already.

This week just blew by!

201.8 lbs this morning.

That's down another .8 lbs for a total of 71.2 lbs gone forever!
I'm inching closer and closer to Onederland - my goal is to get there before the end of the year and I know I can do it!

It was another lovely day out there so I headed out at lunch for a walk.

It's melting all the snow but just enough in some places to make it dangerous to walk because it is just a sheet of ice and there is no way around it.
I did slip and fall on my walk today, right on my right knee.
It seems that is the one I always fall on.
I think I'm going to end up with a pretty good bruise.

I was feeling pretty good about myself so had to take a few more selfies when I got home.
I think my hair being down contributed to the great feeling - it is almost always up in a bun since the whole Covid thing started.

My pants are starting to be too big to wear (they are a size 18) and that feels awesome when just 8 months ago, I couldn't even get them on.

So I had to do a comparison - the picture on the left is from just a couple months ago - I can see a big difference since then.

The picture on the left here is from Feb.2019 when we went to Disney - I was feeling so huge and didn't even really want any pictures of myself at all - when I go back I am going to be taking SO MANY pictures!

After work, my son asked if I could watch Baby F for a bit and of course I love spending all the time with her I can so he brought her over.

She was heaping all the loving on her baby.

Aww - what a sweetheart.

Lovin' up on her baby!

Saw this scentsy burner on the buy and sell today so I scooped it up.
It was like brand new - she even still had the box.
I love it and it was only $20 which is a fraction of what it would cost brand new.

OMG - this cracked me up so much!

Another sign that I love, love, love!

I just love Joey & Rory and this song seemed so fun - I wanted to remember to buy it.
In fact - I think I might get the whole Christmas album.
I follow Rory's blog and I just admire his outlook on life - I would love to get to a concert at his farm sometime.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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