Tuesday 1 December 2020

A Different Light Up In Town This Year. (Nov.26, 2020)

 All the decorations are up in the office and it looks so pretty but no we are all going to be working from home!

Our gift basket is all ready for the raffle too - hopefully we will still be able to get some tickets sold.
Side Note - I'm loving how the crate turned out.

When My Honey and Baby F got up this morning, the first thing he did was give her a bath.

She started this thing where she closes her eyes and walks around and this morning she was doing it in the tub.
Luckily she can't walk into anything in there.

After her bath, they played with some play dough that she spotted on the shelf in my office.

She likes to take whatever we are working on when it's about halfway done and just smoosh it.

As long as she is having fun, who cares right?

At lunch time, we all got ready to go for a walk.

My Honey pushed her in this stroller thing - it comes in really handy and is surprisingly easy to push on the snow.

She wanted to stand up and see what was going on.

Then she just wanted out all together so she could walk by herself.

We stopped by the store and got her a cookie so I was able to convince her to get back in the stroller so she could sit and eat it.

Town Light Up is tonight so the Town Office hid gingerbread men around town.
If you found one, you could take it in to the town office tomorrow for a prize.
BN had seen a couple so he called us and told us where to find them.
We looked for the ones he saw but they were already gone when we got there.

We did luck out and find one anyway on our walk.
We actually found a bunch more but left them all there for someone else to find.

It was a fun little thing to do on my lunch and I got some steps in at the same time.
Baby F wasn't quite ready to go home so she and My Honey stayed downtown and I headed back up to the house.

I made an omelet quickly when I got back for my lunch then got back to work.

My Honey took Baby F to the cafe and they had lunch there.

She just loves soup so that's what they got.

Yum Yum Yum.

Ha ha - her little looks are the best.

Then she convinced Papa to get her a sticker book (I don't think it took much convincing) and they worked on that together.

They stayed down and visited there for a couple hours.
My niece, Miss M was working and My Honey said it was pretty quiet so they had a nice visit.

When they got back to the house - they played around and my house looked like a hurricane had struck.
No biggie - we can clean that up but we can't get back time so having fun with her is way more important than trying to keep a perfect house.

She still loves to twirl.

The table is done.
I think it looks great.
I might even leave it here too.

After Baby F went home, My Honey whipped up a fabulous dessert.

Then we got ready and walked downtown for light up.
My niece was still working.
She'd been in charge down there all week and working open to close since her boss had to quarantine for another week even though her Covid test came back positive.
I got a decaf then we headed out to watch the fireworks.

Normally the town puts on a big bonfire and everyone hangs out around it and Santa comes but due to Covid, none of that could happen this year.
They didn't even want people getting out of their vehicles.

So we just stood on the sidewalk by ourselves and watched the fireworks.
They put on a great show for a small town, it was impressive.
When it was over, all the cars started honking their horns which I thought was so nice.

When we got home, My Honey cut into his dessert, I had a little bite and it was superb!

I have a tray similar to this on my table and was looking for ideas of things to put in it.
I like how this looks.

I really like that sign over the mantle and the Charlie Brown trees.

I'm really digging this gnome too.

CP posted this picture of Miss Z's Christmas list.
She asked for some pretty good things.
My favorites are:
"for my whole family to never go to heaven"
"my cat to be nicer"
Ha ha 

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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